Chapter Eleven

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Shoto Todoroki P.O.V.

My old man and I started to walk up to UA. I sighed "I'm surprised he hasn't done his usual lecture about his quirk-?" I was ripped from my thoughts when I saw someone duck their head below the edge of the roof on the building up ahead. "What the hell?" "Shoto, you need to be first in this! You need to use MY quirk!" I started to get agitated "I don't need your quirk! I'll do this my own way!" I started to storm off into the building. I was expecting him to follow me in, but for whatever reason he didn't.

I was the first one at the waiting room. I smiled at myself. "At least I get a few minutes of peace before this starts." I sat down and leaned my head back and closed my eyes. Just then the door slammed open and Momo came in. "Shoto! Your early as always." I groaned to myself. "UGH. I love her, but it's entirely too fucking early to deal with her energy." She came over and sat on my lap. "How's my favorite gay bestie?" I shoved her off.

"Never do that again." She got up and sat next to me. "Hm, your no fun." She started going off and talking my ear off like she always does. Eventually the room started to fill up with the test applicates. Around seven or so came in after us. It was getting close to the starting time when who I assume to be the final applicate came in. It was a cute shorter boy, with freckles on his face, and green hair. I could feel my ears grow red as our eyes locked. But he quickly looked away and went and sat in the corner of the room.

"oooooo Shoto, you see something you like?" My face starting glowing a bright red but before I could say anything back to her a very loud and obnoxious looking guy came in screaming.

Izuku P.O.V.

"WHOS READY TO GET THIS EXAM STARTED!?" "Hizashi stop, you're going to give them a head ache." I smiled as Shota came in. "Oh, so this is Hizashi? Not exactly who I imagined." I let out a little giggle. "What are you giggling at kid?" He looked over at me. I smiled "Nothing! It's just when you said you were marrying someone, I didn't imagine him is all." Hizashi smiled. "Ah so your Izuku Midoriya? I've heard much about you." Then he grabbed Shota by the neck. "Yep! This guy is stuck with me- AH!" Shota grabbed him by the arm and flipped him on his back.

"I don't know why I put up with you." Hizashi got up with a smile on his face. "You love me and you know it, but anyways let's get on to the tests shall we?" I started to panic "Tests? I thought it was just one physical test after the written one? We can't even take this one without passing the written test." "We will get to that if you give us a second Izuku." I slapped my face. "S-sorry." I could see Todoroki laughing at me, and my face started to glow a bright red.

"Damn now I'm embarrassing myself."

"Anyways, you all were told that there was two tests. The written and the physical. The physical however, has three parts to it. We will tell you these parts as we get to them, we don't want you preparing beforehand. However, it will be an elimination test. If you do not meet our minimum expectations you will fail, if there are too many applicants after the test then we will take your rankings into account. Any questions?" a kid raised their hand. "No? Good, the first test will be a race."

"Like I said before, there will be a minimum time you will need to make otherwise you fail. But we will not tell you what this time is, you have to give it your all for these tests. Your supposed to be the best of the best applicants, the minimum time should not be a problem for any of you. That's why we are also ranking you. If your last then expect to be eliminated." We all just nodded. I had to hold back a laugh. "How hard is this really going to be? I was told to do the bare minimum."

Shota shot me a glare. My face went red and I looked away. He just sighed and looked away. "We have gym clothes for you all to wear for this test, and we will lead you out to the testing area right now." I sighed "Guess that means I can't use my gear. Oh well." I waited until I was the last one in the room before leaving. I walked in the back by myself for a few minutes before Todoroki came back and started to walk with me.

We walked in silence for what felt like forever. "I-Is there s-something you needed?" He just gave me a small smile. "What were you doing this morning on the roof?" My face started to get red. "H-how did you know that was m-me?" He laughed a little. "I didn't until you just told me. But, I thought it was you since it seemed you knew one of the test proctors." "S-sorry about that, I didn't mean to be rude and listen in."

"It's fine, my old man was just giving me the usual lecture. Oh, my name is Shoto Todoroki by the way." I smiled "My name is Izuku Midoriya." His smile grew "I know" My eyes grew wide "H-how did you?" He laughed at me "That really loud guy said it." I rubbed the back of my head and started to blush "O-Oh yeah."

He just kept laughing before we started walking in silence again. "Todoroki? Do you mind if I ask you a question?" He nodded his head at me "Sure" I looked at the floor. "What did your dad mean when he said you needed to use his quirk?" After a second of silence, I decided to look up at him. He had an angry look on his face, and tears? "Y-You don't have to answer! I d-didn't realize it was a b-bad topic."

He wiped away his tears. "No, it's fine. It's just something I don't like to talk about." I smiled softly at him. "I understand. I'm the same way about some things in my life too." He looked at me confused, but he decided not to say anything about it. And we walked in silence, and I started to blush. "I can't believe a hot guy like Todoroki is giving me the time of day." I started to gush a bit, and then I heard him snicker before he walked away.

"SHIT SHIT SHIT, was I mumbling? NONONONONONONO. This is bad, but he didn't look upset. So, it's fine right?" My thoughts got cut off with Hizashi yelling for everyone to gather around so that Shota can explain the rules of the race.

A/N: Hi guys! Sorry that I didn't update this week. But I was still sick for most of it. But, I'm good now. Not to mention that school is an absolute bitch. But anyways, I will try to update more this week. But I will not hold myself to a schedule and I'll update when I update. Please feel free to leave feedback and as always

Have a good day :)

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