Chapter Nine

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Izuku P.O.V./Time skip, three weeks

            I opened the heavy metal door, like I've done many times in the past three weeks, to see the same thing. A terrified man, strapped to a table with a report of what he did on the table next to him. I walked up and read what the chart said. "You poor fool." My voice lower than what it really is, because of the voice alternator that my mask had. "Why not hold your tongue? Now you will have to lose it." I choose which one of my knives I would use, and grabbed his jaw and activated All for One, lighting up the room. I forced his jaw open and cut out his tongue. His raw screams echoed throughout the room as tears ran down my face. "I'm so sorry."

            I walked out of the room and went to the bar while wiping my gloves off. When I walked into the bar, they were watching the news. "Hey Izuku they are talking about you." Shigaraki was waving up to the TV with his remote.

Breaking News

"A new villain named Silence has stricken again. This time in Musutafu, a man with a voice alternator called the police saying he found a hero with his tongue cut out and fingers cut off, but when police got there, there was only the hero. He is currently recovering in critical condition in the hospital. This villain may have not killed his victims yet, but it is still advised that you stay indoors at night and he is considered to be extremely dangerous."

            Shigaraki started laughing "Silence huh? What a suiting name don't you think? Honestly Izuku, I feel like killing them would be more of a blessing then completely cutting them off from communicating." I sighed "I just can't bring myself to do it." Shigaraki looked over at me "Ah, this is the first time seeing your villain costume. How terrifying."

            My villain costume was a black suite, with a black tie. I was also wearing black gloves and black dress shoes, with chains forming an X across my torso, winding down my arms, and sitting loosely around my neck. And a mask that covered my entire face that had no mouth and no distinguishable features. It was also entirely black.

            "How do you plan to fight with those?" "I don't, these are just for show, the chains I use to fight with are in my sleeves." Shigaraki smiled "You sure came a long way since a few weeks ago, tell me how is quirk training going?" I sighed "Exhausting, it's a lot harder than it seems. Especially the quirk the master gave me."

Flash back, a few days ago

            "Izuku, the master wishes to see you." I was sitting at the bar eating, when Kurogiri came in. "A-alright" He opened a portal and I walked through. "Izuku, how has quirk training been going?" "He is just as terrifying as last time." "I-It's been good. I-I can use 10% right now" He started laughing "How impressive! In just a couple of weeks. And Shigaraki tells me that you have proven yourself in a couple of errands he sent you on. He even said you started to make a name for yourself."

            "I-I'm glad I'm able to help." "It seems like you've done more than that! Like I said you would become an important member given time. And it seems that Shigaraki wants me to go ahead and give you that quirk I promised." My eyes widened "I-I would be honored"

            He smiled "Then I'll give it to you, but I must warn you it won't be pleasant." I nodded at him. "Then come over here." I walked over to him and he placed his hand on my shoulder and he started to give me a quirk. It felt like my body was being torn apart. It toke everything inside of me not to scream. Once he was done I fell back, and landed on one knee panting a bit.

            "How impressive! Usually when I give a quirk the person dies from the pain. But not you, you didn't even make a noise." "T-thank you, but m-may I ask what quirk it is." "Ah well typically this quirk is useless, however it will serve you greatly with One for All. What it does is take your energy and strengthen objects with it. The side effects are usually great fatigue, and not being able to move afterwards. However, if you are able to transfer the energy from One for All into the objects, then it would produce a destructive result don't you think? And since it isn't your own energy, the side effects shouldn't affect you."

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