Chapter Twenty-One

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            After my alarm went off at one, I got up and put my villain suite on. After looking at it more, there is a stealth button on the wrist band that puts the chains back. But I also can't fight in that mode. To put them back on I just have to push the button again, but it takes five seconds to ready the chains. So I can only use the knives on my belt in that time frame. "Better than nothing I guess." So I turned on stealth mode and activated my quirk. I left through the balcony that was attached to my room and soon I was running through the alley ways. The hospital were Ingenium is at, is only about ten miles away.

"This should be easy. There will be some sidekicks, some nobody heroes guarding his room. The police usually don't get involved in these types of situations." I got there in no time, since I toke back ways I could use a higher percentage of One for All. When I did get there though, there were a couple of cop cars in the parking lot. "Strange, Shota did say that I am considered to be "The most dangerous villain" right now. They must think I might do something. I should pull out and wait for him to be on patrol again and ambush him." But I knew I couldn't do that, Shigaraki would not have it. I focused OFA to my eyes, heightening my vison, and scanned through the windows. "I don't see him, but it is late so he is probably sleeping. But the police being here really does complicate the situation."

I waited there until the cops left, one went back into the building and the other went to his car. Presumably to keep an eye out for anyone suspicious. I ran over to the parking lot, and luckily my lighting was black right now so it didn't give off much light. I crouched behind a car that the police car was in front of. He had the window down, so it would be easier to hear me. But, it would also be easier for me to get to him. I activated my quirk at 35% and pushed off. My body ached sine I wasn't used to using my quirk at such a high percentage. But I managed to go up to the cop and press a pressure point to knock him out and go behind the car without being seen or heard by the cop.

"One down, I'll try to avoid the other one. But I'll also have to get the patient files from the nurse. God I hate doing this." I felt a deep guilt in my stomach, it made dizzy it was so nauseating. But I pushed it down, I'll have time to feel guilty later. There was probably security cameras on the front of the building, so I have to find a way in without being seen by them. That is if they didn't see me knock out the cop. But if they did then they would have notified the police and this place would have been crawling with heroes. But to be on the safe side I pushed myself to be at 35% again and ran around to the side of the hospital.

"I'll have to run up the wall, grab the side of the building, launch myself and grab the window ledge." I sighed, there was probably an easier way to get in and do it without having to hurt anyone, but I didn't have time to think about it. I activated my quirk at 5% so I wouldn't damage the building, plus there is no wind pressure from OFA at 5%. Then I scaled the wall, grabbed the side of the building and launched myself to the front of the hospital and grabbed on to a window seal. I opened the window silently, just in case there was someone in the room. But luckily it was empty.

I cracked the door open and looked down the hallway. The nurses station was on the far left, with a single nurse sitting at the computer. There seemed to be only two cameras. After studying them for a minute or two, there seemed to be a five second gap where neither one of them would see me if I stepped into the hallway, the perfect amount of time for me to destroy both cameras. But as soon as I do I will have a short amount of time before they have someone come check it. And then another short amount of time for the police to be notified and for them to get here. "I have to move quickly once I do this." So I got two throwing knives out in preparation then I rushed out and hit the two cameras perfectly and ran to the nurses station, pushed the nurses pressure point which knocked him out. I dragged him to the back, and checked his pockets and found a phone. I put it on the station next to the computer.

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