Chapter Four

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Aizawa P.O.V.

"NO! Absolutely NOT!" I slammed my hand on the table. "Shota! Calm down." All Might was in his skeleton form, waving at me to sit down "Clam down?! How can I be calm?" I pointed my finger at Nezu "When he just suggested that we send a CHILD to infiltrate a league of VILLIANS?" I started to pinch my nose "I don't even think he should have your quirk, let alone trust the kid to go give us information. We don't even know if his body can handle your quirk yet!"

"Shota sit down." Nezu was glaring at me, I met him with one of my own before reluctantly siting down. "First off it is not our decision if the boy gets All Might's quirk or no-" "What is this bull shit? Yesterday you were insisting on meeting him, so we can test him." Nezu was clearly annoyed with me interrupting him "Yes I did, but even if we did test him, you would still give him your quirk, right All Might?" All Might just nodded his head.

I sighed "Continue." "Thank you, now on to my second point." He stood up on the table "We fear that an old threat is making a comeback through the league." I hesitated for a moment " What old threat?" Nezu looked at All Might, who nodded at Nezu "We believe that All for One is trying to rebuild through the league." I felt the sweat go down my face. "I-I thought he was dead."

All Might sighed "So did I, but it is possible. I mean who else would have the influence, the power to rebuild organized crime after I destroyed it all early in my career?" I wiped away the sweat "Then that only furthers my point! We can't send Midoriya in there with that monster!" "If not him, then who?" I looked at Nezu with shock. "Let's say that I agree to send him, and he gets captured. What if he gets killed? All Might that would be the end of One for All."

All Might turned into his muscle form "He won't get caught! I believe in him." I scoffed at him. "How well do you even know this child? Did you know he mumbles? What if he mumbles out the wrong thing without realizing it? What if he has to sleep there and he talks in his sleep? He doesn't have the training for this!"

"It's a risk we will have to take." Nezu went back to his chair. "Besides it's not like we are forcing young Midoriya. It will be entirely his option." I thought about it for a moment before sighing "Fine" both Nezu and All Might was taken a back. "W-What?" "I'm out-numbered, there is nothing more that I can do. However-" I glared at the both of them "If anything happens to Midoriya, and I mean anything, you two must take full responsibility to the public for your failures as heroes."

Nezu didn't seem to bothered by this, All Might however looked terrified "Shota, I can't do that! What symbol of peace would I be if I did such a thing? This world needs a pilla-" "I do not care. If you are so willing to send a child into enemy territory, then you will need to take responsibility if it is a failure. Or simply do not give him your quirk and let this whole double agent nonsense go." All Might gulped "N-no. Midoriya is right for this, you will see."

I sighed "You two seem to misunderstand." They both lifted their heads in confusion "I believe the kid is a perfect fit for your successor." "Then why fight against it so much?" I leaned back in my chair, pinching my eyes before sitting up. "It's because he is a perfect fit!. I don't know the kid well enough yet, but he just radiates kindness and compassion. Hero work will suck that out of you once you get onto the streets."

All Might smiled "If you think Midoriya will break just because of the streets Shota you are wrong." I looked up at him "What do you mean?" "Do you think his life was easy? Being quirkless in this world. I mean it was hard for me growing up and it was a more common thing. Midoriya on the other hand, must've been treated like trash. It's a lot worse now a days."

I sighed "Maybe he is right." "But, because of how kind he is, I don't think he should be an agent for us. I mean he will have to do horrible things to people. And what if they make him kill someone?" "We have cleared it with the government that he will be pardon from all crimes, and Shigaraki, the man who met him on the roof, said that he doesn't have to be a criminal."

"then what is the plan? How will we even be getting the information from him, and they know he was quirkless. Why would he all of the sudden have a quirk?" "We plan on letting him tell them about One for All, since we suspect All for One is involved then they would already know. This would just help gain their trust."

Nezu leaned back in his chair "We will have to figure out the rest later, we have no idea what the league wants from him, so we don't know how we can get our information or even what type we can get." I sighed "This plan is full of holes." "Shota" I looked up at All Might "Do you think I would simply give my quirk away to someone who I don't trust? Midoriya is the right successor and the right person for this job." I scoffed at him "How do you know this? You don't know the boy All Might."

"Call it a gut feeling" "So we are basing everything off of your gut feeling" "Yes" "Fine, I'll call them to bring Midoriya back here, and we are keeping this a secret from the big three right?" Nezu nodded his head at me." I picked up my phone and called them and told them to drop Izuku off and that they have the rest of the day to unpack in the dorms.

After a few minutes of silence, Midoriya came in. "Y-you wanted to see me?"

"Why so nervous kid come sit down." He came and sat down next to me. "How was the café." He smiled "I-it was fun, Mirio payed for everything. I ended up getting a milkshake."

"Well, we should probably get to what we called you in here for." All Might stood up.

"Young Midoriya, I believe its time I pass my quirk onto you, however there is something we must ask of you to do." Midoriya got visibly nervous "W-What is it?" All Might's face got very serious "Way to go, you're going to scare the kid." "We want you to join the league and be our double agent." Midoriya seemed to relax a bit.

"Oh, I thought that was always the plan?" 

A/N: Hi, so I just got on spring break so I'll probably start posting at least once a day, maybe more. Also, please feel free to leave feed back.

Have a good day :) 

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