Chapter Eight

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Izuku P.O.V.

"I see you made the right decision, Izuku"

"However." My heart sunk "We no longer need you" He started to walk towards me, rolling up his sleeve and reaching his hand out. I felt panic begin to rise in me. But I refused to show it. I just laughed, stopping Shigaraki "What are you laughing at?" My laughter turned to tears.

"Of course, you wouldn't need me. I'm just a quirkless nobody! Why could I ever think that anyone would need me?" I dug up old memories that I pushed down, and soon I had tears streaming down my face. "But, at least let me try and convince you otherwise? Please, I have nothing else to do, nowhere else to go."

Shigaraki just laughed at me. "Go ahead kid, give it a shot." But I hesitated. "N-not here." Then I pointed at the building behind me, as discretely as I could. He seemed to understand, because before I knew it there was a portal underneath my feet and we were all standing in an old, abandoned looking bar.

"I suggest you start talking kid." Panic started to rise again, but this time I decided to use it "I-I'm sorry! But, I didn't have a choice. All Might saw you approach me at the building that day, and I was interrogated. I had to tell the heroes what I knew." Shigaraki looked furious, like he would kill me if a spoke another word, but the man made of mist held his hand up at him. "We should hear him out Shigaraki, he clearly had no choice."

Shigaraki started scratching fiercely at his neck "fine Kurogiri, but if anything happens it will be you who will die." Then the mist man that I now knew as Kurogiri looked at me "Go ahead and explain everything child." "W-well after that happened I was kept at UA, where they told me that I would be a double agent for them. A-and that I would get a quirk from All Might, and that I w-would have to give it back after this was done."

"You have One for All?!" Shigaraki's impatient, murderous tone turned to one of surprise. "The master will want to hear of this." Shigaraki nodded his head at Kurogiri, who then disappeared in one of his own portals.

Shigaraki started laughing "You sure had an eventful week huh?" I looked down at the floor "Y-yeah, but I don't know how useful I would be with this quirk." "What do you mean kid?" "W-well the last time I used it, it shattered several bones in my body and it toke recovery girl hours of surgery to heal me."

He just chuckled "We can fix that" then Kurogiri came back. "The master would like to see you in person, Izuku" Fear and panic rose in me "I'm meeting All for One. I knew that it was probably going to happen, but the fact that its actually happening."

I just nodded my head before going into the portal. We were in a dimly lit room, and there was a man hooked up to several machines in front of me. "So, you are the one who possess One for All?" I tried to speak, but I couldn't. "H-He is terrifying"

He started to chuckle, and I felt like I was nothing. "Can't speak? I tend to have that effect on people. At least you already know your place." Again, I could say nothing. "I'll take your silence as a yes then, however how do we know that you truly are not an agent for the heroes? How can you prove to us that you are with us?"

I finally built the courage to speak. "I-I'll do anything, b-besides kill s-someone." It was hard to see behind the mask he was wearing, but I could tell that a sick grin formed behind it. "No killing? What a heroic thing to say." I felt the life drain from me "Did I say the wrong thing?"

"Well, I understand that just because you are a bit squeamish to killing, doesn't mean that you aren't with us." I felt relief fill me "However, that does mean that there isn't a true way you can prove you are with us, in a short amount of time." And just like that the feeling of dread returned. "How long until you have to return to the heroes?"

"O-One month" His sick grin widen "A month, the things we can do in a month." The feeling of dread just worsen.

"As to what you will be doing for the league to prove yourself, that will be up to Shigaraki, and I will tell him no killing. However, you will also undergo training for you to use your quirk." I felt relief overcome me. "If you prove yourself I'll also give you a quirk that will go well with One for All. If you truly are with us you will be an important member." His sick grin turned into a wicked smile. "However, if you turn and betray us, I will personally dispose of you." He started laughing, a terrifying laugh that filled the room.

I started to tremble "Do you understand, young man?" I managed to nod. "Good, then you may leave." But I couldn't move, Kurogiri had to open a portal underneath me. I fell back into the bar, and Shigaraki started laughing.

"I see you have met the master." I nodded my head at him. "The master said it is up to you what he does to prove himself, and what he will do for you in the league." Shigaraki started to smile "I know just the thing." I got up off the floor. "W-what will that be?" He started giggling "We have an army of grunts that work for us, but the punishment for anything would be death, however our numbers will die out if we do that."

"S-so you want me to be your disciplinarian?" His giggling got worse "You could say that, you could also say torturer." I threw up in my mouth "Is that a problem?" "N-no of course not, but All for-" "YOU WILL NOT CALL MASTER BY HIS NAME" Shigaraki got furious, and started scratching at his neck "S-sorry, the master said that I don't have to kill anyone" He seemed to calm down a bit "Oh, a bit squeamish about killing? That's fine. But besides that, I may have to send you out on some errands, like if someone sees what they're not supposed to. You will have to be the one to silence them. Whether that is killing them or something else. But if you fail you will be the one who dies."

"I-I understand." Kurogiri continued to tell Shigaraki what the master said "The master said that we have a month before he has to return to the heroes. In that time, he is to train to use One for All and when he proves himself useful, he will be awarded a quirk."

"Oh? The master seems to like you Izuku, probably because you betrayed that bastard All Might." My eyes went wide "T-That was him liking me?" Shigaraki laughed "You wouldn't be here if he didn't."

A/N: Hi so, if you saw my A/N, that is now deleted, then you already know that my computer wouldn't let me post my chapters. But, my computer is actually letting me post today! I'll probably post three chapters today, to make up for yesterday, to do today's chapter, and I feel like the story is going too slow so I'm posting the third chapter. But, there will also be a couple of time skips and we should be at the entrance exam by the end of today. Feel free to leave feedback and

Have a good day :)

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