So at the concert I had to sit next to a random stranger..
But honestly the ppl I were sat next to were the BEST possible ppl..
They were probably 18 and 13 and they were sisters..
It went like this..
13-year-old, 18-year-old, me, SkyeJasmine
So me and the older girl (I never got her name) were like talking while the stadium was slowly.. So slowly.. Filling up..
When Samantha Jade was one all 4 of us were like the only ones in the stadium standing up and dancing..
Then for McBusted (they were amazing btw) the older girl says "I'm glad we've got a ill dance party goin on here so we don't look like idiots" then she pointed to her and her sister bc before we got there they were dancing on their own..
OMG but all through the concert we were snapchatting and jumping and screaming.
If those 2 girls are reading this.. (I think the younger one was called Ellie..
Then- thank you for being so nice and dancing and singing along with us.. Having u there made it 100000 times better

Random((wrote this as a fourteen year old do not hold me responsible for what is inside)) This is literally me venting and ranting about random shit in my life.. Like school, boy bands, annoying shit, stuff like that.. mostly ONE DIRECTION THO if you aren...