
38 6 0

Genius is not knowing the answer to every darn math problem or knowing how many ppl lived in the 1600's...

Genius is knowing how to control 6 kids aged 8-12...

By yourself...

Okay so atm Im in the middle of a game of monopoly with all these children..

They were all talking at the same time, rlly loudly as well..

So I was like..


"Oscar grab those sunscreen bottles.."

So Oscar the 9 year old grabs the 3 sunscreen bottles and I was like..

"Do not talk unless you're holding a sunscreen!"

And everybody shut up..


I'm so clever *nods*

Damn straight...

Except for the fact that I had to find 10% of an 11 year olds total money and I couldn't remember how to...

So um...

Umm.... ha-ha...

Go team?!

It's 8:45 pm and this game has been going for at least an hour....

*sighs* help...

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