Okay I have a secret..
I've never told anyone this..
Wait 2 secrets...
Okay ready?..
Too bad if ur not bc I've started this chapter, I can't stop now..
Okay secret number 1: my favourite song from their first album (y'all know who I'm referring to).. is One Thing..
Wooh! Secret number 2: Harry's voice live is what I live for..
Y'all (OMG I've gone all southern) probs think I'm like just super Fangirl or what ever..
But Srsly his morbid, deep, hot af, talking voice and his deep, husky, hot af singing voice are what I live for..
Don't even pretend that you didn't just hear Harrys voice in ur head bc I know that you did..
You're in too deep now, there's no escaping..
But it's okay bc I'm here with u.. we're in this together..
I remember a time in the 1D fan-ness, when every One Direction fan in the world, hated each other. Friends fought, cyber bullying reached its peak, yea. We HATED each other..
And now, all of a sudden, we've all grown up rlly quick..
And we love each other, we're a family..
A gigantic loving 1D family that cares and supports each other no matter what..
Boy, girl, straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, white, black, no matter what religion, no matter what country you live in or what ur family background is,
We love each other..
It's crazy to think about but honestly it's like the biggest family in the world..
There is legit at least like 10 million ppl on this planet that are in love with the same 5 Irish/British boys that I am.
And I'm honestly so glad.
Tbh if a fan got to date one of the boys, I would be jealous probably for like a week, but I would get over it bc I would remember that she (or he bc you never know) was like me once..
A hopeful fan with the dream of one day meeting her idols..
Mhm.. my 1D chapters get deep rlly quickly..
OMG I've found an incredible remix..
I'm not normally one for remixes but this is on point.
It's Night Changes but the 'Afterhrs Remix' it's incredible.. well I think so anyway :)

Random((wrote this as a fourteen year old do not hold me responsible for what is inside)) This is literally me venting and ranting about random shit in my life.. Like school, boy bands, annoying shit, stuff like that.. mostly ONE DIRECTION THO if you aren...