This fandom is falling apart. What has happened? We should be supporting these boys, helping them when they need it but instead we are pointing out every fucking little thing that in reality does NOT need to be pointed out.
Zayn was pictured with another girl - so fucking what. Is he not allowed to have other friends that are girls? Yes, Zerrie could be split up, but the world could also be slowly disintegrating. Louis is an adult and has broken up with Eleanor, who the fuck cares if he's kissing another girl.
If Bill down the road broke up with Sally a week ago and is now pictured kissing Jane I can guarantee you that nobody would give two shits. But bc he's famous it's different, isn't it? No it's not.
They are our boys, we are their girls. Nothing in this world should be able to change that.
Yes, this week has been the most heartbreaking week in the past 5 years and yes, this week will most probably go down in One Direction history as the-week-that-felt-like-hell.
You call yourself fans yet you go and start shit that nobody needed. Nobody wanted Zayn to fucking leave the tour. No one wanted Elounor split up, no one wanted Zerrie split up, no one wanted any of this crap to happen.
But it did and now we need to fix it.
We are literally the biggest fandom in the world.. Do we want to be known as the worst? No we don't.
Sorry for the rant but it needed to be said :/
I love you for always xo

De Todo((wrote this as a fourteen year old do not hold me responsible for what is inside)) This is literally me venting and ranting about random shit in my life.. Like school, boy bands, annoying shit, stuff like that.. mostly ONE DIRECTION THO if you aren...