This is some slang that I personally use on a daily basis but idk if any other Australian ppl say these things..
1. "Far Out!" - I use this instead of "f**k" or "sh*t" (I could write the actual words but I'm feeling clean today..)
2. Wagging - when u ditch school or skip a lesson at school "be rebellious".. No! I've never wagged!!
3. White out - idk if this is Australian or if I just made it up.. You paint it over a mistake if you've written in pen..
4. Thongs - flip flops
5. Vegemite - a spread that you put on toast mostly.. I think some places call it "marmite" but I think it's slightly different stuff
6. Chips - this counts as like hot chips and like potato 'crisps' BUT WE CALL THEM CHIPS BC THATS WHAT THEY R
7. Glue stick - a stick of glue!? Apparently in England they are 'Pritt Sticks'
8. Zucchini/ Eggplant - btw I'm getting these off of my English friend.. She says that in England they say "aubergine and courgette"..
9. Jam - this is like fruits in a jar.. Like strawberry, apricot, blackberry, raspberry, fig, marmalade.
10. Jelly - the stuff u use jelly crystals with.. Like u pour hot water over it and mix it then put it in the fridge..
11. "I Reckon!" - idk how to explain this.. Sorta like u agree with some thing I guess.. Like..
Person 1: he's so annoying!
Person 2: I Reckon!
Lol this is turning into the Urban Dictionary.. I guess u could also say "I know right"
12. Esky - a box that u put ice in and then u put food and drink in it to keep it cool..
** No one in Australia says "CRICKEY!" Or anything that is stereotypical like that 😊😊
Sorry this chapter was shit but I'm bored af so this is what u get!! Ily x

Random((wrote this as a fourteen year old do not hold me responsible for what is inside)) This is literally me venting and ranting about random shit in my life.. Like school, boy bands, annoying shit, stuff like that.. mostly ONE DIRECTION THO if you aren...