So I saw One Direction last night.
It was THE best night of my entire life..
I'm not even joking..
Tens of thousands of people who are all in love with the same 5 boys you are, dancing and jumping and singing and SQUEALING!!!
There's no other way to explain it other than "The Best Night Of My Life"
Clouds started it off and I involuntarily started crying bc those are my idols and I was 20 meters away from them.
Then all the rest of the songs were fucking indescribably insanely amazing.
Words literally cannot explain how good this concert was..
I now have no voice and am planning on going to school... #prayforme
Every one was pumped during One Thing and tbh that song has been my fav since I was like 10 ❤️ Harry's solo and OMG it's amazing..
In SOML both Harry (his hair was in a bun ❤) and ZAYN (half his head Is shaved!!) Changed keys and notes AND MY GOD HARRY ALMOST KILLED MY WITH HIS VOICE... I DRIVE ALL NIGHT TO KEEP HER WARM AND TIME *get ready for note change) IS *here it is stay clam erry body stay calm* FROOOOOOOZEEE-E-E-E-EEEEN

Random((wrote this as a fourteen year old do not hold me responsible for what is inside)) This is literally me venting and ranting about random shit in my life.. Like school, boy bands, annoying shit, stuff like that.. mostly ONE DIRECTION THO if you aren...