7- The Date

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I yawned and realized people were looking down at me. Blaise and I had fell asleep on the common room couch while reading. I jumped up and shook Blaise frantically.

"Blaise we fell asleep, go to your dorm," I whispered aggressively.

He grunted but rose up and dreadfully walked to his dorm. I headed off to mine as well and began to get ready for my planned date with Ron.

I rummaged through my untidy closet to find the perfect outfit. I found a floral dress that I had just received over the summer from my parents. It was perfect for a date.

I slipped on the dress, some black shoes and put my hair in two braids. I also added light makeup to my face and felt content with my overall look. I internally wished for a girl best friend that could tell me how I look, wish me a good date, and do my hair for me. But I got stuck with Blaise, who couldn't do any of the above properly.

I shoved all thoughts away except meeting Ron outside the Gryffindor common room and trying to not be awkward around him or any of his friends that would be tagging along with him.

My stomach started to lurch as I got closer and closer to the portrait door with the big woman who had a horrid singing reputation.

Ron told me the password beforehand in case he wasn't out yet: "Fortuna Major."

I recited those words and the Fat Lady reluctantly opened the door, as she knew I was a Slytherin. I walked into the common room which was vibrant and full of life; an unfamiliar feeling compared to the Slytherin common room.

I browsed the room, noticing the red plush couches in front of the fire, the bookshelves lined against the walls, and the interesting rugs lying upon the floor with an array of patterns scattered across them. As I glanced around, I failed to notice Ron and his two friends walking down from the boys dormitory. Ron was wearing jeans and a sweater that most likely belonged to Fred or George but overall, he looked very nice. I smiled at him and his friends as they made their way over to me.

Ron was very red in the face as Harry whispered something in his ear. I introduced myself to Harry and Hermione and smiled at them as they did the same. I glanced up slightly at Ron, linked our arms, and began to walk out of the common room. "Don't have too much fun," Harry called out as we exited the room, grinning.

We finally headed to Hogsmeade. After awhile of traveling we arrived, excited and elated. Arms still intertwined, we first stopped at Honeydukes and gathered a variety of candies into a large bag. I paid for all the candy and we went to the three broomsticks for a butterbeer. We sat in the corner booth and chatted comfortably for awhile.

"Ron! You never told me you had more siblings! I have only seen Ginny, Fred and George," I said acting as though he hurt my feelings.

"Well everyone knows my family, I just assumed!" he defended.

"Well when can I meet them?" I joked.

"Oh — er — well..." Ron stuttered.

"Ron I'm just kidding!" I said, sipping my warm drink.

"Oh — right."

"I mean, I would love to meet them eventually but it doesn't have to be any time soon."

"Do you want to go to Zonko's?" He grinned while knowingly changing the subject from my rambling.

I nodded and we made our way over to Zonko's joke shop. We searched around for any interesting items we thought could come in handy and Ron paid for my things. Of course I argued with him but in the end he insisted and I lost the argument.

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