14- Broken Bonds

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It was happening again. My sister came, swooping close to me on her broom, determined to score against me. I smirked then plowed towards her. She fell, I screamed, and my parents shouted and blamed me for the tragic accident.

I shouted, got shook awake, and finally opened my watery eyes.

"What are you doing in my bed?" Draco asked nonchalantly, towering over me intimidatingly.

"Oh no, this is yours?" I questioned, wiping away the tears from reliving my sisters death.

"Yeah, now answer my question, L/n."

"I didn't mean to, I just laid down because... well, that's beyond the point. I laid down and I - I - I didn't know!"

"It's fine, just leave," he demanded.

"Gladly," I retorted, unlocking my stubborn reputation once again.

I stood up and looked out the window, it was pitch black out while the moon shone minuscule light into the boys dormitory.

"Why were you out so late?"

"Oh y'know, this and that," he vaguely replied.

"Yeah, I know exactly what this and that is, Malfoy."

"That's... 'beyond the point.'" He grinned, restating my words out loud.


I took a look around the room and it seemed like Blaise and Draco had it all to themselves.

Daddy's money.

Blaise was sound asleep in his bed and softly snoring. I didn't want to have him wake up in the morning with me gone and Draco in his own bed, but I sure wasn't staying, not after Draco tried to conjure up another conversation about my sister and would possibly do it again.

"Are you going to leave or keep looking around? Don't you have to get to your weasel boyfriend anyway?" Draco spat.

"He's not —" I began. "Yeah, I'm leaving," I finished, not wanting to explain the complication to Draco.

"Great, don't let the door hit you on the way out."

"Don't make me hit you again."

I heard a scoff and I headed out of the door immediately. I quietly went down each step until I got to the dim common room, though lit with the small firelight. I headed back to my dorm, heard Pansy twist and turn, then laid in my own bed for what felt like the first time in weeks. The soft pillow felt like laying on a cloud and the blanket was warm as can be. The dark took over and I slept in peace the remainder of the night.

"Get up!" Pansy screeched.

"I'm up! What's wrong?" I groaned.

"You're going to miss breakfast and Blaise told me that he has something to tell us but he won't tell me until you are there! So get up come down!"

"Give me a couple minutes."

I threw the blanket off of my legs and miserably trudged over to my closet to grab my robes. The usual daily routine occurred and I brushed my teeth, my hair, and put on my clothes. Once I finished, I slipped on my shoes and walked to the great hall sleepily. My motivation seem to dwindle lower each day.

"There you are!" Pansy squealed as I sat next across from her and Blaise.

"I never knew you could be so excited to see me," I sarcastically spoke.

"Not now Y/n — I have some news for the pair of you ladies." Blaise spoke gently.

"What is it? Tell us!" Pansy begged.

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