26- The Almost Kiss

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"George what do you mean?" I asked.

"I like you," he repeated.

"But," I began uneasily. "Since when?"

"I thought I did at the beginning of the year, but I didn't know you well enough to make a move. Then you got with Ron which completely destroyed my plans. Now that you're broken up and I'm closer to you, my feelings grew stronger and I couldn't sit here and watch you and ignore the feelings inside me."

"George, if I'm being honest, I might also have some new feelings for you."

"Well, how about we continue hanging out and if we feel like we should get together, let's do it."

"Ron's not going to be happy," I said.

"He'll get over it," George assured.

"Deal," I offered my hand.

"Deal," he shook my hand and then shoved it in the pile of whipped cream on the table.


"Let me get that for you."

"Absolutely not," I started. "Don't get near my hands."

I wiped my fingers off with a napkin and filled a cup of water using my wand. I dipped my hands in the cup to terminate the sticky feeling, then I dried them with another napkin.

"I could've done it much better."

"Hush," I teased as he winked at me mischievously.

We continued eating the food off of the table and it must've gotten super late without us realizing. Class started directly tomorrow and I hadn't got any of my stuff together.

"As much as I don't want to leave, I must. I have to unpack all my stuff and get everything together for class tomorrow," I sadly stated.

"Let me come with you," he pleaded.

"You want to come to my dorm?"

"Yes, I've never seen your dorm," he hinted, visibly becoming eager each second of sitting.

"Come along then."

"After you, love," he said as we exited the room through the, once again, irritated portrait lady who we had woken up.

We sprinted down the hallway, hand in hand, looking for Filch at every corner. We rounded each corner slickly and eventually made it to the Slytherin door.

"Drarry," I whispered loudly.

The common room door swung open and I walked in, pulling George all the while. The room was very dark and there was only a minuscule amount of light radiating from the fireplace.

"What is 'Drarry?'" George questioned.

"Not sure," I honestly replied.

"Is that Draco and Harry's name together?" George started cackling and I broke out into a grin.

"It can't be. Enough with your nonsense. Come to my dorm and be very quiet."

As we made our way to my dorm, I heard whispers from two people on the couch that I hadn't noticed before.

"Y/n?" the familiar voice asked.

"Pansy?" I called out, stopping in my tracks on the stairs.

"What are you doing up this late?"

"I'm unpacking and showing George our room. What are you doing?" I whispered back.

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