13- Jealousy and Tears

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I awoke the next morning to unpleasant screams. I jolted my eyes open and looked around the room, though still in the chair next to Ron's bed. Harry had also just awoken from the screams and was looking around curiously.

Ron was blankly snoring loudly, obviously sleeping through the screams. I got up while Harry checked on Ron. I pulled Ron's curtains and heard whispers from Draco's closed curtain. I slightly opened the curtains and saw Hermione sitting there with a potion, helping him swallow it while he sat there sweating and panting. He had another nightmare and Hermione knew.

A pang of hurt soared through my body as Hermione slipped the liquid forcefully down his throat and I closed the curtain rapidly.

Why am I feeling hurt?

I ignored the odd feeling and walked back over to Ron's hospital bed.

"Hi Ron, how are you feeling?" I asked kindly.

"Fantastic," he retorted.

"Hey, it wasn't my fault you go in a fight!"

"I know."

I sat in the chair by him once again next to a frantic Harry and told them the screaming came from Draco.

"Why was he screaming?" Harry asked in a whisper.


He nodded and I could sense a feeling guilt or even pity radiating off of him. Harry, Draco, and I all suffered from nightmares and we never talked about it. It was all so embarrassing and personal. I wasn't even sure anyone knew about mine except Blaise and Hermione.

"So when can you get out, Ron?" I questioned.

"It's going to be awhile. Madam Pomfrey said Malfoy's got a pretty good punch. He broke a couple of my ribs, bruised my nose badly, and she even said my mouth is more swollen than she's ever seen before," he sadly answered.

"We can bring you meals everyday and I'll be here whenever I don't have class," I assured, attempting to cheer him up.


I heard more whispers and giggles from Draco's bed and I turned to Harry to distract myself from the lingering feeling of bitterness that wafted through me once again.

"Harry would you be willing to do one on ones on the quidditch pitch a couple times a week?" I begged. "I need to practice more and everybody talks about how good you are."

"I mean — sure — absolutely — brilliant," he finished.

"Great! I would really like to play next year if I'm good at all."

"You'll be —" Harry began.

"Is that Hermione?" Ron interrupted aggressively.

"Yes, Ron, she is tending to Draco." I chose my words wisely, not wanting to cause a scene.

"She is over there laughing with that git? While I'm her best friend and I'm more bloodied up than him!" he angrily whispered.

"She seems to be taking a liking to Malfoy." Harry scowled.

"Great, if Hermione gets with Draco, we will have to be around him constantly." Ron groaned once more.

"Can we at least try to be happy for her? Yes, I know it's Malfoy, but Hermione makes good decisions and if she really likes someone, won't it at least distract her from her studies and frequent reading?" I pleaded trying to be a little sympathetic and pushing away all of my own feelings of bitterness towards Draco and insecurity with Ron and our relationship.

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