22- Holiday Grief

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"Merlin, George! Hi! Sorry for running into you. How are you?" I greeted, flustered after running into the guy I practically flirted with for a whole night.

"I'm doing good. I'm surprised you're here. Are you okay? You look sort of — well, — angry," he said uneasily.

"Oh, it's just some friends being annoying."

"Blaise and Pansy?"

"Yeah, we went to the game and they complained the whole time and then I was going to take them to the Christmas tree lighting but I had to get some air first."

"Well take me to them," George excitedly requested.

"Oh, no that's okay. They will just annoy you and Draco doesn't even know you and it would be such a hassle. Not to mention the —"

I became interrupted. "Draco?"

"Yeah, he is my other friend, we decided to stay with him over the break instead of Blaise," I explained.

"I want to meet him."

"Draco? He's a git, you really don't want to meet him. I'm glad I got to see you again, George, but I should probably get back before they come looking for me."

"No, allow me to follow. I have nothing better to do, my friends are all busy and I just came here to walk around," he begged.

"Well, I suppose you could come. It could be fun."

"Great, lead the way."

I gripped his wrist and pulled him through the crowd to make sure he didn't leave my sight like Draco had before. Once I arrived outside the library I took a deep breath before actually going in.

"Are you sure you want to go in?" I uneasily asked.

"Yes come on!" he urged, now pulling me closer to the glass doors.

I obeyed and opened the glass door. Blaise and Pansy sat on a bench while Draco leaned against a shelf and looked intently into a Muggle book.

"Hey guys!" George exclaimed after seeing Blaise and Pansy.

"George? Is that really you?" Blaise jumped up and greeted George in a hand shake and back pat which forced me to let go of George's wrist.

"How have you guys been?" George asked, nodding at Pansy after pulling away from Blaise.

"We've been great!" Pansy responded while smiling at him and turning to smirk at me.

"Malfoy, this is George. We talked about him, do you remember?" I asked from behind George, ultimately ignoring Pansy's you-should-flirt-with-him-again faces that she shot at me every few seconds.

Draco glanced up from his book and scoped out the brunette boy standing in front of him.

"Afternoon," he shortly replied, glancing back down at his book.

George gave Draco a weak smile and turned back to me.

"Is he okay?" George whispered.

"Probably, just don't take it personally; he doesn't like anyone," I answered.


"Any plans for the rest of the day?" George turned back to the three of them.

Draco lightly scoffed and it was almost unnoticeable, but Blaise eagerly replied.

"No, in fact, we were just told there is a surprise tonight and I suppose we are killing time until then."

"I am taking you to a Christmas tree lighting later," I spoiled the surprise.

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