35- Valentine's Day

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For the remainder of the day, after witnessing our ex lovers with one another, we moped around and weren't very productive. Time past slowly and we just talked in the common room.

While sitting at lunch and dinner, we didn't make much conversation, as it was sort of awkward to recall the events.

After dinner we arrived back into the common room and I was done being sad.

"Malfoy, why are we really sad?" I asked while Blaise and Pansy exited to Pansy and my dorm.

"Because now we know it's true." he began. "We both had hoped that one day we could possibly get back together with them and be happy again but it's official. We've witnessed what we've known for the past months and there is absolutely nothing we can do about it now."

"Well when you put it that way!" I motivationally shouted. "We need to perceive the situation differently. We saw them, okay? That means that we, though mostly you, should be moving on! It's good that we broke our individual relationships off or it could've escalated into something way worse."

"You want me to move on?" he asked.

"Yes, and I don't mean that by having to get with someone, unless you want to, of course, but you need to find something to occupy your time other than constantly thinking about girls."

"I play Quidditch," he said.

"I totally forgot about that! Why haven't you told me to come to any games?"

"No — you really don't need to watch me play."

"Of course I don't need to go to your games but I want to."

"You want to come to my game?"

"Yes, we are kind of friends, I guess. That means that we will hang out with each other when we each have events going on. So you will let me know when your next game with the Gryffindors is? And don't make an excuse because I will find out."

"Fine, I'll tell you when the next game is," he murmured.

"Great, now let's stop being sad and enjoy the rest of our week."


We did just that. Over the next few days our spirits were lifted and we ultimately forgot about Hermione and Ron altogether, as we were distracted by each other and me with George.

It was a Wednesday morning and I was sitting across from Blaise in Divination class.

"Hello students," Trewlany's raspy voice echoed throughout the room. "Today is Valentine's Day!"

"What will we be doing?" Pansy asked from across the room.

"My dear, we will be making love predictions."

Most of the boys grunted but the girls squealed with excitement, except me. I honestly didn't care much for this class, but I was curious to see if Trewlany would say anything about George and I.

"I will be going around and speaking to each one of you individually. All I need is your palm and you may talk with each other until I get to your hand."

Trewlany went around the classroom and predicted a few realistic predictions and a few out of the ordinary ones as well. She finally creeped up to Blaise and he held out his palm while I listened.

"True love. You already have it or it will come soon but it's there," she croaked while slightly tearing up as though young love was the most beautiful thing she had ever witnessed.

I smiled at him and he smiled back knowing that we were both thinking about him and Pansy.

She stepped around the table and I held out my palm for her to read.

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