36- Hospitalized

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I awoke on a hospital bed surrounded by a great number of people.

Fred, George, Hermione, Ron, Harry, and Draco were all gathered around my bed and they gasped and shook each other awake once they noticed me with my eyes open.

My vision was slightly blurry, their voices were muffled, and I could tell that I was slightly disoriented but it went away as the seconds passed by.

All of my friends came into clear view and I could make out each one of them perfectly along with their voices.

"How are you feeling?" Harry asked.

"How do you think she feels, Potter? She got hit in the head and it seems as if you did too," Draco scolded him.

"Don't — be — such a — git, Malfoy," I groaned jokingly.

His eyes lit up as I spoke as if he was afraid he would've never heard my voice again after the incident and I wanted to laugh at him but I was extremely tired, even though I was practically sleeping for who knows how long.

"What exactly happened?" I asked while sitting up and then abruptly stopping due to a headache that was beginning to form.

"We were in potions and that idiot Goyle hit the ladder you were standing on then you fell and hit your head," Draco explained simply.

I recalled the events pretty clearly in my mind after hearing it again.

Madam Pomfrey rushed over to my bed and shook her head as she saw the large group of people gathered around my bedside.

"You've got lots of friends," she keenly observed. "Luckily, you were only out for three days and you've been excused from all of your class work for the week. It's Saturday, if you were wondering. Now drink this."

She handed me a small bottle containing a mysterious blue potion and I eagerly drank it, hoping it would relieve my headache.

Thankfully, the headache simmered down immediately and I could sit up comfortably. Madam Pomfrey contently walked away and tended to the other patients in the miniature hospital.

George grabbed my hand and squeezed it tightly as I smiled at him. Draco noticed and glanced down at the floor. Fred sent me a wink.

"Snape carried you all the way here and he looked extremely worried," Draco stated, breaking the silence between the group.

"And you didn't carry me?"

"Don't worry mate, she just has a flirty personality," Harry whispered to George and he began to crush my hand out of fury.

"No, you think I wanted to touch your bloody head?"

"If I was dead you would've."

"That's different," Draco mumbled.

"Where's Blaise and Pansy?" I said, changing the subject while George eased his grip on my hand.

"They're at breakfast. I told them to go eat because they were hanging around here all night. I'll go get them," Hermione informed me as she stood up and walked out of the room to retrieve my other friends.

I kindly nodded at her as she left the room with Ron following behind like a stray puppy.

"I've got to talk to Y/n," Harry said unexpectedly to the rest of the group.

They all looked from him and then to me for consent.

"That's fine. You guys go in the hall or get me some breakfast," I suggested.

They all nodded and George gave me a peck on the cheek as he exited the hospital wing and into the hallway, hopefully to grab me some much-needed food.

"Everything okay?" I asked him once everyone was out of sight.

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