32- Love is in the Air

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I awoke about an hour after I fell asleep, meaning I only took a short nap. Dinner was over and students were gathered around the building hanging out, doing homework, and whatever it is that students do on a Saturday night.

I sat up and rushed out of my dorm and into the common room to see what everyone was up to at this hour. There was a mass of third years gathered around a girl and I furrowed my eyebrows but made my way over to see what was happening for myself.


Astoria Greengrass was standing amongst the overwhelmingly large crowd and she had just scoped me out.

"What's going on here?" I asked her.

"Well, it seems as if a love potion has been used on Daphne." Astoria sighed.

"Who is she suddenly in love with?"

"Goyle," Astoria said as she gritted her teeth.


"Yes! That disgusting dog," she began, becoming visibly infuriated.

"Ok, let's calm down. I'll go find Draco and tell him to sort Crabbe and Goyle out. They used to be friends."

"I'd like to come," she finalized.

"Come along then. Let's not wait any longer."

She whispered a small 'thanks' and I zipped out of the common room in an attempt to find Draco with Astoria speed walking alongside me.

"I thought you hated Draco," she innocently spoke.

"I never hated him, he just got on my nerves tremendously."

"So you're good now?"

"Sort of. I am a little upset about Buckbeak, as you probably know, but he's apologized and he's slowly coming around," I said truthfully.

"So what's up with you and George?" She briskly changed the topic while smirking to herself.

"Astoria, George and I are very complicated."

"So you're not dating but you're not not dating?"

"We are practically dating, at least I think, but we don't have a label or anything. Like I said to Pansy, we won't be going around and making out with other people."

"But I heard you kissed Harry!"

"We were just playing a game," I said nervously, wondering how that rumor escaped.

She nodded but continued following me to the astronomy tower to see if that's where Draco went. Unfortunately once we arrived, the only person sitting there was Neville Longbottom and a small plant that he was mumbling to.

"Hi, Neville," I softly whispered, trying not to startle him.

"Hello. What are you two doing here?" he asked.

"We were just looking for Draco. Never mind that. Are you okay? You seem upset."

"Oh I'm fine!"

"Neville, what happened?" Astoria asked.

"Ginny said she didn't want to hear about my plants because she was too busy practicing Quidditch. She thinks she's going to be professional or something," he muttered.

"Maybe she will. However, if you want to talk to me about plants I will be free tomorrow afternoon," I hinted.

"You want to hear about my plants?" he asked, looking completely astonished.

"Yes, I do. Meet me in the library after lunch and you can talk to me about them up until dinner. I've got to go know but don't forget."

"I'll be there!" he practically shouted as I walked with Astoria back down the stairs.

Blood to Love | 3rd yearWhere stories live. Discover now