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The clacking of her heels echoed through the busy halls, the tall corridors finally growing familiar as the break drew to an end. "Your highness" a voice came from behind her as she quickly turned to face the source, "you have a letter from a Saul Silva" the recognized butler handed her the letter. "Thank you" she bowed her head gently before continuing her walk towards Cyprian's office.

"Hey! Saul sent me a letter" she closed the heavy doors behind her before approaching the boy who sat, legs up on his desk working on late paperwork. "Oh?" He smiled at the girl as he handed her a crystal letter opener. Opening the clean paper to read:

"My dearest Ares Peters,

With the recent news of you becoming a teacher at Alfea, I'd like to invite you, instructor to instructor, to assist in one of my lessons as an honored guest—" her eyes left the paper as they met Cyprian's, the boy wearing a happy smile signaling her to continue.

"I think the newly enrolled specialists will enjoy a lesson from the great "Shadow Phoenix" and will use it as motivation for my classes. Please let me know your answer whenever you get the chance

With love, Saul Silva"

She moved her lips into a line, "the "Shadow Pheonix"?" She folded the paper as he chuckled.

"That's what people have been calling you, actually some of the others got nicknames too." He looked back down at his paperwork before handing her a stack, the girl moved to sit on the leather seats present inside his office. "Come" she beckoned him, petting the available cushion to her right.

The boy picked up his work before releasing himself onto the chair. "You've got to get more sleep, you got to bed late last night" she sighed against her pen as she read the documents. "I'm sorry, I'm actually doing a lot better with you here!" She chuckled lightly before signing the paper and placing it underneath the stack.

"I know it's hard but your well-being is important" she looked back up at the boy who played with his ring while reading the same documents. "We've been over this, Ares. while I'm on Dyamond, I devote myself to the kingdom and its needs before my own" she exhaled, looking over to him before lightly tapping the side of his head. "What was that for?" she laughed at his over-dramatic reaction.

Placing the papers on the table to her side before getting up, offering the boy her hand. "Come on, we're gonna go take a nap" he rolled his eyes before looking down at the papers again. "Cyprian, we've been working since five, it's already four. You barely got any sleep last night" she moved her arm a little bit to ask for his hand as she watched him slowly give in. Taking her hand as she walked him to their bedroom.

"Take a shower and rest, I'll be right back" he nodded reluctantly as he stripped, the girl soon leaving the room and making her way back to his office. Picking up the papers, and a cup of coffee before making her way back.

Only to find the boy already passed out in the silk grey sheets, the girl lightly chuckled before tiptoeing towards the tea table opposite the bed. Placing her coffee and the documents on the cold glass surface before taking a seat, working on them for the next two hours till he shifted awake.

"Go back to sleep" she sipped on her second cup of coffee as he groaned, "come" he beckoned her over in a similar fashion as she'd done earlier. The girl obliged as she walked over to the boy, yelping at the sudden yank forcing her into the bed beside him. "Seriously?!"

"Go to sleep" he whispered into her ear as she turned to him, the stubble on his face rubbing against her hand as she brushed his cheek. "I'm still in my dress" he shrugged into the sheets as she struggled to get away. "I'll be right back! I want to shower, I don't like dirtying the sheets" the boy scoffed as she walked towards the restroom, soon exiting in a nightgown as she looked to the boy who cutely snuggled into his sheets.

𝐓𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐃𝐅: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐂𝐢𝐫𝐜𝐥𝐞Where stories live. Discover now