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"So you want to pretend to be super hero's?" She sat in the pet shop the girls had opened, unnervingly ignoring the pets that flew around the brightly lit room like flies.

"It makes sense! All people want to do is believe that there is someone out there that can help them. And that's who we're gonna be!" Tecna clicked through a virtual display of well-known comic superheroes. Hoping for Ares to agree with her idea as the others did.

"It sounds promising. And besides, I'd heard that there's been an increase in burglaries in town" her legs were crossed, leaning back in the chair that allowed her breath to relax.

"Though I'm still not entirely up to date with the situation, I'm down for whatever y'all are up to" she nodded quickly before nearly being punched off the chair by a couple of flying pets. She had only come to the shop once before, Nyx had a strange urge to hurt the animals that resided inside which always kept her from going back. Though now she was here due to their sudden idea.

"Just let me know what you plan before you do it, I'd prefer not to hear about your antics on the news" Ares excused herself from the others. Flora had been seeing her as more distant lately. In fact, they would normally only see each other when the girls needed help with their surrender mission. Otherwise, she was either with the boys or working. Whether it be at Alfea or the Cafe.

Ares strolled through the streets back to the coffee shop where she had left Andy alone. Her mind continued to wander throughout her brief journey towards thoughts she'd rather not exercise so loosely. The idea of the girls getting themselves killed in an incident like the ones she'd been seeing on the news. Armed robberies. It wasn't pleasant.

Sure Bloom could control flames at will and Flora could make plants grow, but neither were bulletproof. And their loosely addressed worry of said issue was almost nauseating.

"You sure you're alright?" Andy sipped his coffee from the large white cup that sat on the smaller plate. "I'm fine, just worried about the others." She told him their plan hoping to get his take on the idea. He only said "you'll never know till you try"

Though he might have believed it quickly, didn't mean the rest of the world would. "You ever think that you seven will be the only fairies on earth. That's a lot of attention to go to just a few girls"

"We won't be here half the time anyway. We spend most of our time on Magix. Besides I have no other reason to visit earth besides this mission." Her eyes held closed, relaxing to take in the scent of the coffee in other guests' cups.

"It's still your home...y'know" her eyes opened slightly to see a sulking boy, his finger gently tracing the mouth of the cup. "My home is Dyamond now. Though I may not like many people on this planet, I'd be happy to visit some friends here" she lifted her own drink to take a long sip, hiding her face slightly.

"You've mentioned this "Dyamond" place before, what's it like?" His smile grew slightly at the expressed idea of an explanation of what seemed to be fantasy.

"Dyamond is a beautiful planet, it's very vibrant and full of life. When I first got there I was surprised to see how similar things are built compared to Earth" he could see her growing excited, as if shes been wanting to talk about this for a while "I'd say its architecture is pretty similar to Peru. Most buildings are made entirely of stone but are still incredibly modern even by earthly standards. Its main city surrounds the castle where the crown prince lives, I've heard some citizens write it as a shield to protect the only remaining heir to their throne till he rises" she smiled to herself unknowingly.

"He sounds cowardly" she looked back at him as he chuckled, her fist clenching slightly. "Anything but, the prince has been training in tactical arts and perfected his fighting ability all to protect the throne and its followers. Though he doesn't have to, he always forced himself to be better. That's what most Dyminions adore him for" she cleaned up some cups left on the table, moving them close to where the two were speaking.

"Do all places have rulers like this?" She couldn't read the context behind his words. It didn't sound mad exactly but not entirely ecstatic.

"Most planets besides earth are ruled entirely by a monarch. Eraklyon has Skye, Lynphea has Queen Rachel and Dyamond has Cyprian. There are others but you get the point" she paused at his quick display of awe. "Oh yeah" realizing he didn't know two out of the seven boys they brought on their trip were royal, let alone kings.

"Believe it or not the school Bloom and I attended is full of royalty and nobles. It is the most popular school where magic is taught so many people sought for their children to attend." She chuckled, scratching her cheek as if to feign innocence.

"Wait so Skye and Cyprian are both kings?" He spoke in a whispered yell, "uh-huh. Well technically Cyprian isn't king yet but he will be in a few weeks."

"I can't believe you're just telling me this" he fell back in his chair a bit, "it's not like I could till you knew everything about us fairies" that's not true, she just wasn't really worried about telling him about this when other things were going on.

"I guess...wait so does this mean if you guys get married you'll be a queen?" She spit out her coffee. "Don't you think there are better questions to be asking after finding out this information?" She was honestly surprised, she thought maybe he'd ask about other royalty or whether or not Bloom and Skye would become king and queen of Eraklyon. Not about her.

"Well this is just so crazy I mean, what about the others..." the boy went on, till 5 pm that night, speaking strictly on the rules, people, and culture that came with the new knowledge.

Ares stumbled back into the apartment, "does anyone happen to have any tequila" she dropped her purse on the table and slipped off her shoes before looking up to see them watching an oddly familiar-looking movie.

"Uh hi," they spoke in sync as their eyes faded back to the large screen that held the image of a castle on a hill. The lights of many small boats filled to the brim with young students in robes. Each eagerly playing in the seats till they arrived at their new school.

"You're watching it without me?" She glared down at the silver-haired boy who held a cautious smile. "We finished Doctor strange and didn't know what to watch-" he was cut off by her sudden drop in the seat beside him. A small smile on her face showing she was just happy to have walked in at the beginning of the movie rather than a later scene.

She had gotten each of the boys obsessed with the marvel trilogy. Having watched each movie in chronological order till Doctor Strange, everyone had already named their favorite characters as well as movies. A little thing that made the trouble of coming to earth, entirely worth it.

Ares had been feeling a bit useless, though she was happy to have a separate life from the other girls, it still saddened her a little to see how much she didn't know of what was going on. She only appeared when she was called, only there to help at their request.

All she had to do was remember her true duties and responsibilities. Her time and attention go where it's needed, and right now. Earth, Roxy, and the girls didn't need her as much as her students, Alfea, or Dyamond did.

"I'm going back to Dyamond tomorrow, a ship will arrive in two days at 2 PM for you" she quickly whispered to Cyprian as he nodded. Thanking her with a kiss on the forehead before snaking his arms around her waist. She wasn't very aware of what was happening on earth as of late. Strong ass wizards were attacking, the girls were trying to convince the citizens that fairies were real, and she was just trying to plan the perfect coronation for the next king of Dyamond. It was getting to be too much.

𝐓𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐃𝐅: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐂𝐢𝐫𝐜𝐥𝐞Where stories live. Discover now