𝐒𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞

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Ares sat between the group of boys, having just finished Captain Marvel they were onto the next. "Okay, iron man is like one of the best characters so if you don't like him. Your opinion is invalid" she started the movie. Back in black blasting through the TV speakers as they watched silently.

They didn't speak of the earlier incident, already entrapped by the booming Stark persona.

Cyprian held Ares' arm, drawing circles against the back of her once injured hand. "Wait, what is this "cheeseburger" Tony seems to like so much?" Helia looked to Ares who meet his gaze. "It's a common fast food item here. It has two pieces of rounded bread, meat, and any topics you like".

"I'll bring you guys some while you're at work later" she commented quickly before they nodded, turning back to the big screen. The movie finished quickly, the boys had raved to her about their updated favorite characters as they arrived at the Smoothie music bar. "I'll be back in a bit with your burgers"

"Ares!" She turned to the call of her name, Andy ran up to her. Quickly grabbing her wrist to pull her on stage. "Rio will take guitar if you take the drums?" He handed her a set of drum sticks. Already scuffed and marked to a close breaking point. "Uh sure?"

"One I want?" He looked down at her before exchanging a nod, it was one of the first songs she learned how to play on the drums after Andy approached her about drumming it for him.

She walked onto the stage, hearing incoming cheers of excited guests ready for a good song. "Mark! it's been a while." She smiled as the boy pulled her into a rugged hug, messing with her hair before excusing her to take a seat by the drums. "Hey Rio, how have you been" he quickly flicked their hands together as a sign of solidarity, she assumed, "missed you, Peters" she smiled back at him back pulling her hair back into a ponytail. The attention of the guests already on them.

"" she began drumming after the countdown. The swift beat of the song caught her as Rio and Mark gained traction on bass. Andy soon bringing the mic to his lips "you're the one I want..."

She continued, noting that the mic went between two girls who fought over a certain brunette. Ares exchanged glances with the others, Mark nodding back at her to tell her to continue, and she did.

It didn't take long for her to get lost in the sound as she enjoyed the singing voices of many who brought themselves onto the stage. Soon looking up to see Musa singing along to the beat of the bass and drums.

The night continued smoothly, Ares had finally been able to leave the stage to get the burgers promised earlier. "I'm going to get some burgers for the guys, you want some?" She looked up to Andy, Rio, and Mark each of whom eagerly nodded. "Alright I'll be back in a bit" and with that, she left.

Returning after thirty minutes to a full crowd and an angry couple that didn't seem to be having the best time. "Here" she handed Skye six burgers, soon leaving to meet the others by a table on the side of the stage.

"Here you go" she handed each of them their own, unwrapping the meal tenderly before chomping down. Cyprian soon approached to take a seat beside her.

"Hey, uh Cyprian this is Mark and Rio. Along with Andy, they were my bandmates" she smiled against her burger, the introduction only taking a few seconds before their conversation took off. "Hey, I saw Skye and Brandon talking to Mitzi and her friends. Do you know what's going on there?" She handed him his burger, the boy only shrugging. "I'm not too sure, to be honest, they said they just don't want to be rude"

"Those girls have always been like that, don't worry too much about it, Rays" she smiled anxiously at the nickname Mark gave her. "It's not that I'm worried, I just think the others are getting jealous because of how they're acting" she finally finished her burger. Cyprian eating his in a trance at its flavor, blankly agreeing along with the others.

"Cyprian, Ares, we're heading back to the apartment!" Brandon yelled after them, "it was great seeing you guys, see you tomorrow!" She smiled before lifting her legs out of the chair and speeding towards the others alongside Cyprian.

The next day arrived quickly, having worked the majority of the day for her keep. "So when are you going back to Magix?". "Tomorrow, it's already been two weeks so I kinda have to" she answered Nabu's question.  She was really looking forward to it, only to the knowledge of Cyprian of course.

"I arranged for the Dyamond Royal guard to pick her up and drop her off, routes have been getting more dangerous with the knowledge of the four wizards' attack growing" he slid his arm over her shoulder, a small smile apparent through reddened cheeks. "I'll only be gone for about a week and a half since I'm stopping by Dyamond after to make sure everything's in order" she referenced lightly to his coronation, which was postponed due to their uncalled for trip to Earth.

The group approached the smoothie music bar, music, and cheers echoing onto the brightly lit beach. Clear and large waves hit the sand as people danced, swaying to the rhythm. Cyprian stayed with Ares as the others flocked to their respective relationships.

It seemed that a surfing competition had drawn most of the people's attention towards the sea, many boys with a few girls scattered on the sand. Boards in hand as they looked to face the waves. Some of them were at least fifteen feet tall from what they could tell.

"Are the boys really going to surf that?" She crossed her arms in uneasiness as Skye and Brandon happily ran into the water. Her worries were justified as only seconds after they entered the sea bed, they were knocked off their boards by a large wave. Dragging both of them back to shore.

As she and Cyprian laughed at the sight, Ares felt a surge of magic from the bar. Looking through the open floor plan to see the previous king of Eraklyon standing with many guards surrounding him. "Oh shit, Dite" she tugged on his sleeve, causing him to follow her line of sight.

"Where is Prince Cyprian, if you girls won't tell me where my son is, I'm sure he will" they ran towards the king, Cyprian taking charge of the conversation as Ares told the others to go find the source of whatever caused the surge. "Be safe" she spoke more as a warning than a call of caution.

"Princess Ares, do you know where my son is" Ares nodded and turned towards the sea, excusing herself from the king's view before running at Skye. "Get your ass over here, your dad is here" she whisper-yelled through her teeth as she pulled the boy by his arm. Bowing to the king once again as she approached.

After being forced to listen to a thirty-minute scolding, she was exhausted, Cyprian taking the liberty of escorting her back to the apartment as an early flight the next morning was in order.

𝐓𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐃𝐅: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐂𝐢𝐫𝐜𝐥𝐞Where stories live. Discover now