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"You can't just pop up out of nowhere and say "hey I'm a fairy, and I just saved your dying relationship!" Cause people don't work like that. They doubt things they don't understand, like magic" Ares handed Bloom her drink, Andy slightly overhearing their conversation.

"What's all this about magic?" He threw an arm over Ares' shoulder, the girl raising a brow towards Bloom as she waited for her to say something, rolling her eyes at the lack of reaction before turning to the boy slightly. "Hey Andy, if I were to tell you that Bloom and I were fairies, what would you say?" She saw his neck tense slightly, jaw revolting into his skin in surprise.

"I mean...I'd probably say you were insane" he laughed loudly, Ares eyeing Bloom as she rolled her eyes in return. "See, you have to do something greater to be able to convince civilians you arent a threat...and making sure they don't go insane!" Bloom sighed in defeat, walking out of the shop to go do whatever she had been dreading since that morning.

"What's wrong with her?" Andy let go of the earlier topic, turning to continue washing the dishes. "We have a mission here, but she's having a hard time getting people to have faith in her and the others." She turned toward the back counter.

"What do you mean "mission", I thought you were here on an assignment." She met his gaze, keeping silent for a few minutes as she hoped he would catch on. She tilted her head slightly, "no way..."

"Listen, you don't have to believe me, at least not right now, but you'll have to accept it one day" her expression was plain, his...surprised.

"Do you have anything to say about the fire, and the family you helped save?" They turned to the small screen tv on the other side of the room, the low volume barely reaching them as Andy met eyes with the girls standing in their fairy forms. "What the-".

After a long pause of silence "You're telling me that you can do that too?" He pointed to the screen, his eyes looking down at her full of fright. "Yes"

"But- how?!" His sudden rise of voice causes surrounding people to stare. "I'll tell you when our shifts are over" he reluctantly nodded, watching her turn away to continue doing her job. Occasionally whispering questions over her shoulder, ones she promised to answer later.

The two closed up the shop, walking down the street in the direction of where Ares and the others have been staying. "So you're a fairy...and a teacher?"

"To put it plainly yes, I'm the Fairy of the Shadow Phoenix. The first and only true enemy of the Great Dragon, the power that created the universe and the power that lies in the hands of Bloom" she kept her gaze forward, the boy practically going insane before her.

"Ares!" Cyprian ran up to her, pulling her into a hug before turning to Andy. Noticing the slightly unnerved look on his face before offering his hand. "Are you magic too?" He asked in the nicest tone he could muster, Cyprian, raising a brow towards his girlfriend before seeing her nodding lightly.

"Everyone you've met so far is, listen I know this is a lot swallow but I had an early flight this morning and I ended up going straight to work. I'm just really tired. Can we just talk about this some other time?" He apologized for pushing too far, she knew he was going to be curious. But she was too tired to have the patience for the constant bombardment of questions.

"Are you okay?" Cyprian bent forward to meet her eyes. "Yeah, I'm good, just tired" he slid his arm over her shoulder as she let out a shaky exhale. "I can't believe I told him" he opened the door to their room, the queen size bed looking as welcoming as ever as Cyprian told her to shower.

"Don't worry too much about it, love. Just get yourself ready to sleep" she nodded at his sympathy, taking a long shower in response before finding him in the bed already. Lifting up an arm to reveal an open space for her to lay. And she did.

"Musa had an audition today with a music producer" his arm wrapped around her shoulder, holding her back against his front. "Really? And how did that go?" 

"She said it went amazing, but something happened between her and Riv" she sighed, pushing herself farther into his embrace. "He apparently got jealous over producer, name is Jason something?"

"Jason queen? Tall blond dude, kinda looks like Thor?" She questioned in a whisper. "Uhh, yes?".

"I thought he was engaged?" Cyprian simply shrugged, telling her to go to sleep. And she did.

𝐓𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐃𝐅: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐂𝐢𝐫𝐜𝐥𝐞Where stories live. Discover now