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"Everyone take a seat, there is something serious we need to talk about" the chatting room fell silent as the students sat at their respective desks.

Ares crossed her legs as she sat on the large mahogany desk placed at the front the class. "As most of you know, the Winx were recently attacked by four Wizards" slight gasps cut her off, quickly silencing them again before continuing "now, we don't know who these men are or their powers...all we know is they are looking for the last earth fairy."

"Because of this, the Winx have been sent to earth to find and protect the last earth fairy from this coming threat" looking back over the girls, each intently listening to their teacher as she uncrossed her legs to stand. "And so, I will be your only teacher for the next few weeks" the girls booed, Ares quickly rolling her eyes before walking towards the window. A certain Phoenix flying towards it as she opened it.

"I'm sure most of you noticed the force field around the school?" The bird chirped into the room, tightly gripping the woman's upper arm. "Headmaster Faragonda requested I put up that forcefield, to keep out all monsters and creatures of dark magic" awes reached their ears, "though I'm sure after the recent events you don't have as much faith in me, but understand this: it's my job as not only your teacher but as a guardian fairy to protect you. I don't care what you may think of me or the rest of the Winx, but our only intention is to help and serve" she quickly conjured a large wooden stand, Nyx happily taking perch "understand?" The girls quickly nodded, Ares, flicking her finger to close the window.

"Now...since it's only me teaching you all, it won't be nearly the same as it would be otherwise. As most of you know I didn't get my transformation until the end of my second year, so most of my training sourced from...other routes" the girls eyed each other, the teacher soon leading them out into the gardens. "We're going to start with basic stamina and magic power test. I want you all to get into your transformations, and attack me. You all will be victorious if you can land at least one spell on me, but if you can't within the five minutes of this alarm, I win" she smiled pointing to a small alarm counting down in mid air.

"But, Ms. Ares...are you sure that's a good idea?" Alice, the student that was blamed for Flora's incident spoke up from the group that surrounded her. "Yes, now hurry it up. The weather's gross today" the girls laughed at her joke, each of them quickly getting into their transformations. "Before we begin, I want you to answer this question. A powerful magic user has just launched an incredibly destructive attack towards you...what do you do?" Clarissa launched her hand up "converge!"

"Too late! You weren't able to form the spell in time and were decimated into oblivion" Ares smiled at the fact she was able to do the same thing their old teacher once did. "You know, that seems to be a pretty popular answer but the correct one is dodge!" Some of the girls nodded in understanding, Clarissa slightly blushed in embarrassment.

"Get ready" she began counting down, catching them off guard as she steadied her feet into the ground. "3...2...1" three girls lunged towards her, a shield smacking them away. Flashes of light and power-hitting it as she smiled, their power was on par with the Winx during their first year. A giddy smile reached her lips as their attacks fell useless.

"And time! Sorry girls no victor today" the girls groaned, each of them gasping for air after exhausting their magic. "Let's head back inside" she led them back in. Sitting on the surface of her desk with a smile. "I want you to take today as a lesson, I watched most of you use attacks that don't fall under your personal pretenses" she looked over the girls, confused expression was over them.

"How do I word this- oh! So take Flora and Bloom as an example. Flora's power source is from nature, so most of her spells root from the ground and either trap or paralyze an opponent. Whereas Bloom uses direct contact and throws her magic at an opponent"

𝐓𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐃𝐅: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐂𝐢𝐫𝐜𝐥𝐞Where stories live. Discover now