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"Ares!" Skye and Brandon approached the girl, the royal gardens of Dyamond were beginning to fill with guests. All chatting and enjoying the company of some of the most important people in the galaxy.

Though the view was undoubtedly breathtaking, many do the guests filed inside the tall castle. Excited to see the crown Prince of Dyamond finally fulfill his names right.

"Hey guys" Ares smiled up at the sharply dressed boys, Helia and Timmy soon joining them, followed by Riven and Nabu. "The girls will be arriving later" Skye specified after telling her that they decided to have a fashion show before coming, meaning they would be a tad late.

"You look amazing Ares, Cyprian is very lucky" Ares chuckled into the compliment received by Skye as he kissed the back of her hand. "Thank you, but if you'll excuse me I must get back inside before the ceremony begins. Tell the girls I'll meet them after" she lifted the skirt of her gown gently before turning to make her way back inside. The halls of the castle bustling with workers trying to ensure and get everything ready. "Ares!" She turned to the call of her name to see him.

His body lined in a dashing suit that seemed to fit him like it had no other purpose. The blue highlights over the white showing gentle contrast with the large fur drapes that cascaded over his shoulders. The white fur lining finding its own place with the light blue suit beneath it before it ran down into deep blue. His hair was slightly parted and pushed back, his stubble from late nights at work completely gone. "You look...amazing"

"Kingly, even?" He joked causing her to roll her eyes before approaching. "I don't know if I'm even allowed to touch you" she hesitated slightly before placing her hand on his cheek. "Please do" he placed his hand over hers, the familiar chill sending butterflies through her stomach as their eyes never left one another. "You'll do amazing, I know it". The boy kissed the palm of her hand, rubbing into her touch like he'd been starved of it. "Good luck, Dite"

She heard the clatter of people entering the palace, one of the nearby maids offering her arm to Ares. Leading her towards her seat inside the throne room.

The large room opened up as she entered, the silver drowned walls never failing to impress as members of high society began filing in beside her. Vines of all varieties draped over the walls light fairy lights, not overshadowing the large center lighting that trailed the long blue carpeted walkway where soon to be king Cyprian would enter. At the very end of it stood the high priest of the kingdom, a large hat made of ice placed on his head as he held a large book.

After minutes of anxiety increasing waiting, it began. The crowd went silent as gentle strums of Dyamonds crystals echoed. It didn't take long for him to enter, the large robe pulling behind his proud body. The expression on his face hiding his nerves well as he refused to move his eyes from their place.

"Crown prince Cyprian Rime Agape" the people stood, as the arrangements were; Ares sat closest to the podium beside Skye and Brandon whose faces held a similar prideful grin with their friends sat beside them. They watched in silenced awes as he approached the end of the set. The priest bowing his head in respect to him.

He spoke a long prayer in a language most in the room didn't understand. Cyprian told his love it was a language that was abandoned by the entirety of Dyamond except for the royal family. It was a confusing yet graceful tongue, each word almost sounding like a song...of which they listened intently.

As she faded into the moment, the feeling of a slight tinge of dark magic allowed her to know of someone's arrival. "Icy" she attached their traces quickly. "Little Phoenix, was it you who invited me here?" Ares agreed to her question quickly, trying to capture every moment going on below her as well as trying to ensure nothing bad was to come of the witch. "Yes, the ceremony is almost over. I will meet you outside soon" Icy impatiently agreed, Ares grinning to herself as Cyprian bowed his head. A large blue lined, fabric crown was placed gently over his styled hair.

𝐓𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐃𝐅: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐂𝐢𝐫𝐜𝐥𝐞Where stories live. Discover now