𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐑𝐚𝐠𝐞

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"I'm sorry Phoenix" Cyprian uttered sadly through the phone, Ares sighing as she watched many cars pass the pet shop. "I don't regret what I did, believe it or not, I think this might help them grow a bit more" She stood by the windows of the shop, the cold night air hitting her face. "I don't want you being put in harm's way just because I decided to meet Icy again..." She chuckled, shaking her head quickly before sniffling away the allergies that had been resurfacing since her arrival. "I practically forced you into it, it wasn't something you could stop..." She looked into the shop, the girls chatting in a circle about their next move. She thought it might be easier for them to figure it out without her tensing presence there. It seemed only some of them agreed with her actions, and those who didn't...

"Are you okay, Ares? You sound sick?" Cyprian interrupted her thoughts with his worried tone. The girl shrugged "I'm not sure, my nose had been running and I can barely sense any magic around me. I feel like...something is wrong-" Just then a heavy surge of positive magic energy hit her, she looked back into the shop to see balls of light floating before the girls. "ill call you back!" she hung up before being able to receive a response, the girl tripping over herself to get inside. "we are the gifts of destiny, we can increase your magic power and grant you a superior form of your believix magic. They can help you in your quest against the superior powers of the warrior fairies." The tall and slender yellow silhouette spoke in a gently monotone voice, pausing and turning to her blue counterpart as a small flower appeared "Gifts will be granted to each of you, for each mission you face" The flowers petals bloomed out, revealing a golden light that shone through the room.

"The first gift is that of wisdom, for your mission in the amazon you will need this power called Sophix. And this gift will grant you the strength you need to face the obstacles and perils that you will face. It took a different form in each of you" Ares stood her guard, knowing her power being on the fritz was not what the group needed in their current situation. "Bloom, you will have the gift of 'eternal flame'" just then a single petal peeled itself from the bud, the blue light surrounding it lead it to the named fairy. "Flora, the gift of second nature" A green leaf flew to the girl, her body graciously accepted it. "Stella, guiding light" A yellow leaf chose her. "Musa, pure harmony"

"Tecna, higher-order" Ares watched in awe, "Aisha, the gift of vital beat" Nabu immediately complimented the girl's strength, a few of the other girls facing the bud of the flower that remained. The blood-red color surrounding it as it slowly drifted the Ares. "and finally, we gift Ares, true fairness" She sighed, feeling the surge of power settling in the uneasy part of her stomach. "Use them wisely, the fate of the earth depends on it" and then they dissipated, into thin air.

"Our mission starts with the specialists, we need to find them before Diana or any of the others can hurt them. Let's go" They quickly got into their transformations, sharp dagger-like zoomix wings forming over their backs as they opted for the quickest route, teleportation. With a quick flash of blinding light and an unsettling churn in each of their stomachs, they found themselves surrounded by wildlife.

Trees and wildlife ran for what looked like forever. "How are we going to find any trace of the specialists in such thick vegetation," Nabu asked, casting a spell on a large group of vines to reveal a walkway. "I can sense something, lets use our tracix." Bloom quickly stated causing a domino effect of flashes to reveal the girls' different sets of wings. Just then the green color of the plant life faded purple as the shadow of a figure walking caused them to follow. Ares had to admit she was confused as to how these wings worked, it somehow seemed like instinct to follow something you'd normally think twice about.

As they continued walking they soon spotted a large cone-shaped temple, a heavy surge of magic energy warning them as the sound of yells grew closer. "Warrior fairies" Bloom whisper yelled the warning to the girls. "You guys hold them off while I go find the Zigurath" Ares spared a glance at the boy who raced in the opposite direction, somehow getting another surge of the sickening feeling in her stomach.

"Let's keep them off his back" Aisha quickly announced, launching herself out of the heavy vegetation and into the sky. Leading the warrior fairies that were right on their trail out of the forest and away from the temple. The girls did their best to block every attack thrown towards them, "We need a new plan, they're catching up"

"everyone de-transform and hide in the bushes" Ares whisper yelled, pointing to the large and dense group of leaves that could easily hide their human forms. With only a single roll of the eyes from Bloom, the girls quickly found themselves hidden beneath the warrior fairies. "How is it possible that they are stronger than us?"

"These are the fairies that helped create our universe, they've been training to protect their beliefs for generations" Ares quickly studied as a shiver ran up her spine, suddenly the fact that the others were so far ahead made her anxious. The feeling of a hand over her mouth overwhelmed her, her mind going blank as a heavy surge of magic flowed through her veins. A fairy whose hands tightly gripped the stick of a spear dragged her unconscious body away.

𝐓𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐃𝐅: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐂𝐢𝐫𝐜𝐥𝐞Where stories live. Discover now