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"Now girls I'll be teaching you how to sense magic around you" she paced the front of the room as she debated the best route of teaching. "It's going to be different for everyone as some people are more sensitive to it than others. Like myself, not only am I automatically able to sense it, I am extremely sensitive to all kinds of magic to the point where I can pass out if I feel too strong of a surge suddenly. So without even trying if something super powerful comes around suddenly ill just pass out" she snapped her fingers at the last two words to stress it.

She listed the many examples of her passing out at the beginning of a battle, or sensing an enemy from miles away before they even step foot before them. Tecna said it would be helpful to tell the girls these stories as "funny past events" that would help warm them up to the idea.

"But miss, doesn't having a higher sensitivity to magic seem like more of an inconvenience?" Audrey spiked from the seat closest to the door, "it does, doesn't it? but truth be told it only becomes an inconvenience if you let it."

"When I would sense an enemy trail, I was able to warn surrounding people of a possible threat. So yeah, passing out for a few minutes might seem like a major drawback but being able to give my allies time to prepare was worth it, even if it was only a few minutes" she asked all of her students to stand, asking for one of the most advanced of the bunch to "let out" her magic.

"Let it flow out of you, just release" she reluctantly nodded, letting out a deep breath as heavy magic energy released into the room. Certain girls tensing at the feeling. "That's good, thank you Anna" she weakly smiled, nodding to calm into a relaxed state.

Ares went on explaining what the benefits of the exercise would bring to the girls. "And before class is over and before you can get mad at me."

"I've set up for second-year specialists to visit tomorrow, to help personally train each of you in basic self-defense" some girls looked excited, others...petrified.

By the next morning, she had each of the girls stand in a line as a large ship landed in the courtyard where the class would be taking place. "Saul!" She yelled towards the ship, waving it down for it to land. The large door opened to reveal a large group of boys that waited in a sturdy line.

"I've brought the best our second year's offer, 25 in total" she thanked the older man with a hug before approaching the ship and all of the people inside. "Hello, my name is Ares, I'll be taking over your class for today"

"It's an honor to meet you, Miss. Peters" they bowed in sync causing her to look towards Silva who only shrugged.

"It's great to meet you all as well, now let me tell you what we're doing before we get started" she began to explain what was happening, each of them mischievously agreeing.

"Pull anything and I'll kill you" she spoke finally before leading them towards the girls. Some of them excitedly chose friends from their home planets, and some awkwardly asking a random selection if they would be their partner.

The practice went by smoothly, the boys had been instructed to teach their respective partners ways to maneuver around a punch as well as throw one. And surprisingly, most of the girls caught on super quick. Unlike herself.

"Thank you for all your help" Ares bowed her head softly towards the boys as they boarded the ship again. "Bye, Saul. I hope to see you again soon"

𝐓𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐃𝐅: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐂𝐢𝐫𝐜𝐥𝐞Where stories live. Discover now