𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬

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"Do you think her body is as fragile as the other fairies" A quiet voice uttered from the other side of the heavily echoed room. Another voice expressed her curiosity in the same subject. "Are you sure this is their strongest, she wasn't even aware of my presence till it was too late" Ares groaned in her forced slumber, the fairies flinching before calming down and continuing their conversations. Cut off by the loud slam of a door opening. "Lady Morgana" They lowered their heads in respect, their floating bodies slightly balanced on the poles they used as weapons.

"This is the Shadow Phoenix?" The tall, long-haired fairy leaned forward, her eyes running over Ares as if to judge her. "Yes my lady, we were easily able to subdue her using domare roots" They backed up slightly to allow the warrior fairy her room. "Good, that should weaken her just enough to let us do what needs to be done" The younger fairy on the right bumped shoulders with the other, signaling towards their lady "My lady if I may ask, why was this fairy needed to be subdued before her assailants?" Morgana turned, the young warriors flinching in response before they calmed at her gentle expression. "She simply has the ability to fight back, her powers can easily combat what we shall use to contain her assailants. Thus we must use these drastic measures" She slid a single finger down her chiseled cheek, blood dripping from a cut that must have occurred during her uneasy transport to her holding cell. The cut quickly disappeared under the length of her fingertip.

Ares was in and out of consciousness, she could feel her fingertips flinch from her every try at movement. Though it was to no avail. It seemed every time she tried to move, or even did, the fairies that were ordered to keep her in that state, did their job. Using the earlier mentioned plant to put her back in her previous unconscious state. Though she had no idea where the girls were, or what could possibly be going on throughout the echoing yells in the prison's halls, she could barely process her own situation. That was till the large clay-made doors dropped from their hinges. A masculine figure strutted inside the room, the two guards quickly falling at their mercy as he passed their downed bodies and walked towards her.

"Phoenix, please tell me this wasn't the reason for your sudden 2 am call?" He asked mainly joking as the girl stuttered awake from his sudden entrance, the boy let her tightly chained arms fall from the wall as she fell into his arms. The cold yet cozy embrace was always welcomed in the girl's eyes. "I missed you" she breathed heavily, her arms slipping over his shoulders as she latched herself onto him. "I missed you more, love. but isn't there something you came back to earth to do?" He asked in almost a whisper because her hearing him would mean she'd have to leave his arms.

She was incredibly weak, the voices in her head becoming more and more recognizable. "Ares?" Cyprian pushed her away from him and she grunted, squinting heavily trying to focus on their voices. "Ares...Ares!" It was Flora, her soft yet stern voice immediately registering in her mind. Communicating organically, through thought. A trick Helia had taught the pair late one evening back in the red fountain dorms. "What- what Flora, are you all alright?!"

"Everyone is fine, meet us outside of the castle." Ares agreed, looking back up at the worried boy whose hands were still held out to help her stand. "Please tell me you're okay?" he asked, a genuinely worried expression present on his features as she took his hands. "I'm fine Dite, just a little woozy" she traded his expression with a smile, the boy nodding quietly before pulling her up. The two somehow find their way out of the large castle despite its admittedly awful layout.

"Lady Morgana and her guards left to check up on the state of the forest" Flora updated Ares weakly as she let the sun hit her face. "Are you okay?" Ares lifted herself from Cyprian's support, walking towards Flora who seemed to waver in her spot.

As Ares lent Flora her arm, she noticed the others were nowhere to be seen. But the sound of Flora's discomfort not allowing her to think of much else "we need to get to the sacred bud, it's in the forest" she managed to mutter, pointing towards the sound of running water. "Come on" Ares directed Cyprian to assist her in lifting the fairy. As she directed them towards the bud.

Soon approached a large waterfall that fell into the running river of Gardenia. "There," Flora pointed to the small flower that flowered on the surface of the water, "stay here Dite, try to see if you can reach the others" she spoke tenderly to the boy who nodded gently in response.

Ares began to walk her and her friend into the water, approaching the bud. "I'm sorry to ask this if you, but my magic is drained" Ares nodded, backing up to hold her by the hand. "This isn't going to be enough to save it..." she spoke in a low whisper, looking down at the barely alive flower.

"Flora, Ares!" Aisha yelled from above, the others close behind her. "I need your help...it needs your help" Flora looked at them as they landed one by one in the water. Bloom settling last, a glare never leaving her features. "drop it" Musa groaned, the feeling of more fairies approaching hitting Ares quickly. "we need to use the gifts" Flora ignored the quick warning received by the scarlet-haired and offered her hands to Ares and Aisha.

"what are you-" Flora quickly shushed the warrior fairy that led the previous attacks on the group. She could see the weakness behind her eyes, the amount of damage the forest had been facing catching up to her physical body as well as her magical. "we don't have much time...please...we can help" Flora kept eye contact with the fairy, her body slowly lowering itself from her stance.

Flora nodded, looking back at Ares then towards the others, nodding as she squeezed their hands. Ares offered hers to Stells, the sun fairy offering hers to Bloo, then Tecna, then Musa then Aisha, completing the circle of magic as they closed their eyes. "inner flame" Bloom muttered as a small silhouette of the great dragon flew from her chest, "breath of life" Stella uttered in the same manner. Each girl took turns releasing their spells "Vital beat" Aisha added, "pure harmony" Musa followed, "superior order" Tecna continued leading to Flora "breath of nature" and finally stood Ares.

"True Fairness"

𝐓𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐃𝐅: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐂𝐢𝐫𝐜𝐥𝐞Where stories live. Discover now