𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬

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"I know it's already been a rough week, but today you'll be having a substitute" Ares turned to the door as Palladium entered, his blonde hair flowing by his legs as he stood beside Ares. "Professor Palladium will be stepping in to teach you all today as I've been invited to present at Red Fountain" the students exchanged confused looks as Palladium chuckled. "Wait why would a fairy be teaching at a specialist school?" One of the students in the crowd of desks asked.

"Oh? I thought you all knew already" Ares laughed to herself before Palladium finished the explanation. "Miss. Peters was actually trained as a specialist and is known throughout their school for her achievements in her training" he practically scoffed with pride, Ares rolling her eyes before agreeing "it's only for today, but if you have any questions about the lesson you can come find me or Professor Palladium, k?" the girls nodded, thanking her as she left the classroom.

Making her way towards Red Fountain as the large elevated school made its way into sight. Two specialists stood by the elevator entrance, eyes lighting up as they met eyes with the woman. "Miss. Peters! It's an honor to meet you, Professor Silva has requested to introduce you himself. Please follow us" only one of the boys speaking as the large elevators opened

The boys opened Silva's office doors, the man immediately engulfing her into a hug before excusing the boys towards the stadium where Ares would be teaching. "It's great to see you again, I wanted to take a second to chat before the lesson if you'd care to join?" He gestured to the leather chairs surrounding a coffee table, two cups, and a teapot sitting between them.

"I changed my mind about the type of lesson" he looked down at the teacups as the water steeped the tea bags. "Oh? To what?" She blew gently on the surface of the liquid before taking a tiny sip. "I still want you to teach them about teamwork and technique, but I'd also like to do a demonstration segment if that's alright?" She smirked at him, nodding gently in understanding. "So other than that, how's teaching treating you? I heard about the recent attack at Alfea"

"Four wizards that are immune to Fairy Magic came after Bloom and I, thinking we were the last earth fairies" Saul hummed into his cup "Aren't you?" Ares shook her head as she placed the cup down, fidgeting with her ring "nope, we're from Domino. Not earth" Saul let out a quick "oh". "The girls went to Earth to find the actual last fairy, I'm here to take care of our students till they find her and get everything settled" the two continued in light conversation, enjoying each others company before walking down the halls once again, though this time towards the stadium.

The heavy doors hiding Ares as the rowdy students cheered at Sauls's entrance. "Students! As you know we have a guest coming in today, one many of you may not know: trained and fought alongside some of our best specialists" his loud voice echoed into the halls as she smiled, "she is not only one of the saviors of our universe, she is the Shadow Phoenix" she now rolled her eyes at the extravagant welcome "please welcome, Ares Peters!" The doors slammed open, the loud cheers bursting the stadium at its seams as she walked towards Saul who stood at the center. Looking around to see the eyes of a thoughtful students on her. Cheers and whistles sending a burst of serotonin through her as she eyed a couple of her friends. Like small ants surrounded by what looked like a thousand others.

"Miss. Peters has taken the time today to not only teach and educate you all of magic and combat techniques but she's also come to demonstrate it" he threw his arm over her shoulder, the girl chuckling into his embrace as a display of swords lifted from the ground. "Take it away" she nervously nodded before taking a few steps forward.

"Great, I wanted to start with some pointers that will become more obvious the further you get into training" she swallowed the dryness in her throat "Fairies and other magic users aren't easily overpowered, but it's not impossible." She paused noticing eyes on her. "When fighting, let's say...me. It's going to be harder to gain leverage as I use both magic and battle techniques when I fight. So just because I ran out of magic power doesn't mean you'd still win the fight. But if you are fighting another fairy, maybe one who doesn't have physical training, they'd need to take breaks between spells to power up." She crossed her arms, pacing the large room as some boys simply watched her and others took notes.

𝐓𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐃𝐅: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐂𝐢𝐫𝐜𝐥𝐞Where stories live. Discover now