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"Hey Roxy, did you need something?" Ares spoke over her phone, walking up and down the halls of the castle to ensure everything was in order. "Oh yeah, everything's fine! I spoke to Flora the other day and she uhm told me to talk to you about the whole "getting used to being a fairy" thing" Ares hummed in understanding before pointing a painter in a certain direction.

"Has it been on your mind a lot?" She hummed in agreement, Ares taking a second to think. "Don't worry too much about it Roxy, listen. When Bloom and I first found out we were fairies, I wasn't too fond of the idea either. My life was already set in the direction I wanted it to go and I didn't need anything more, but Bloom pushed me to go to Alfea, and though I didn't really want to in the beginning. I don't regret it, not even a little"

"Really? How can that be? You made a life here but you suddenly just left it?" Roxy was lying on her bed back on Earth, swinging her legs as she spoke to the older fairy. "Though the truth might not be the same for you, I didn't really like my life back in Gardenia. It wasn't my home"

"So what is your home?" She asked curiously, an audible panting Artu next to her. "Cyprian is my home, wherever he is, I will be too." There was a long pause.

"Ares...?" Ares hummed in response a small smile on her face as she signed for payment of a few items needed for the event. "Do you think I'll find a home at Alfea- if I go, I mean" she laughed quietly in response to the girl.

"I know you will, but Roxy. Just because you find a new home, doesn't mean you have to give up your first one. Even if you do decide to go to Alfea, your dad and everyone else on Earth will still be a part of who you are." Ares was pretty proud of herself for how motivational she sounded. "Thanks, Ares, is it alright if I call you more often?" She sounded a bit nervous, Ares could practically feel the girl playing with her hair back on earth.

"Of course, Roxy. I'll always be here when you need me, just give me a call whenever, or better yet. I'll see you here tomorrow" she smiled into the phone before the two said their goodbyes. Roxy had been a little on the rocks about calling Ares for some advice, but after Flora found out she was having a hard time dealing with the whole situation, she told her to call Ares.

"Phoenix?" Cyprian slid his arm over her shoulder, gaining back her attention from her black phone screen. "What's wrong?" She lifted her chin, forcing her eyes to meet his. "Nothing, Roxy called for some advice is all"

"How are things going with the seamstress?" Ares asked, pulling the pen from the hand of the man in front of her. Signing her name of the small line written at the bottom of the page. "Pokey, to say the least. You know they got over with Skye's coronation so quickly, why do we have to do all this for mine?"

"It's a part of Dyamonds tradition, your mother had a grand coronation for her crowning, and the king before her, and the king before him, so I think it'd be nice if you had one too don't you think?" Ares looked back to the boy whose face held a snarky smile. "What?"

"I heard what you said" she tilted her head slightly before turning to walk, "I'm your home?" He asked her as she stopped in her tracks. "I thought you'd be above listening to other people's conversations but I guess I was wrong" she continued walking again, taking longer strides. "Oh don't be like that, I just wanted to make sure I heard correctly" he lifted his hand into hers before pulling her to meet his eyes.

"Oh? And what would you do if I said you heard correctly?" She removed his hand from her face before placing it at her side. "I'd tell you the same thing, Ares..." he paused for a second "I can't tell you how happy I am I gave you a proper home" she stifled a laugh causing him to scoff "you know what, I was trying to be cute but" he turned on his heels

"I'm kidding!" She gripped his hand tighter, pulling him close to her before lending him a quick peck. "We both have work to do" she whispered against his lips causing him to groan slightly, "we could reschedule, maybe till after the mission on earth is over with" he gestured to her phone. "I doubt they'll be needing my help anytime soon. Besides! They'll all be here for your coronation, we can make sure then" Cyprian exhaled a laugh before agreeing.

"Your highness, please get some rest before tomorrow's events" the castle's head butler bowed his head, pointing his arm towards their bedroom. "I think that's everything, shall we?" Ares offered Cyprian her hand, the man nodding before taking it and heading towards their bedroom.

"Are you nervous?" Ares dried her hair with a towel as the boy slipped on a robe. "Extremely" she laughed lightly, looking at herself in the slightly steamed mirror "your duties will be pretty much the same" she pointed out hoping to calm the boy's nerves. "But this makes it even more official, I'm not just the person taking care of Dyamonds business. I'm going to be king" he tensed the word slightly, the girl nodding in understanding.

"I invited Icy" she spat out quickly causing everything to stop. "Wh-what?" The boy approached from behind as he met her eyes through the mirror. He asked again to reassure her statement, the curdling silence speaking volumes "I don't want to see her Ares!" He spat out harshly as the girl looked down at the counters. "We both know that's not true"

"Who're you to tell me that?!" His voice spiked, causing the girl to flinch. "I saw the way you looked at her...you clearly miss her" he stayed quiet for a longer period of time than she'd hoped. "I can't see her Ares, not like that" he backed up slightly, past the doorframe before slamming the door closed.

She dropped the towel beside her, placing her elbows on the counter with a sigh. She knew he missed her. She saw it in his eyes the last time he saw her, they were longing to just speak to the witch. But she knew he couldn't, he wouldn't. He wouldn't let his pride get in between what he needed to do as a king and what he needed to do as a brother.

After a few minutes of calming herself down, she stepped outside. The boy holding his head in his hands sat on the bed. "How did you even contact her?" he asked, refusing to meet her eye line "I linked our magic traces" he scoffed slightly. "Did she say anything about it?" Ares shook her head "I cut off the trace before she could, I only gave her the day and time"

"I can't believe you" he exhaled into the palms of his hands. "I'm sorry, I thought you'd want to see her. I guess-" he cut her off swiftly, lifting his head. "I do want to see her, but I can't!"

"Why not? She's your sister, Dite" she looked to his red cheeks, glistening slightly. "She's a war criminal Ares, you can't just invite a war criminal to a place that will be shrouded in guards"

"We don't even know if she's going to come. Listen" she kneeled in front of the boy, placing her hands on his knees "I'll stay close to her and make sure no one starts anything alright? I just want you to be able to see her again..." she felt a droplet fall onto her hand, "will I really be able to see her?" He asked reassuringly, meeting the girl's eyes. "If she decides to come, yeah" she smiled back up at the boy who sobbed into a smile. Pulling Ares into a hug so tight she couldn't breathe, yet so warm she never wanted him to let go.

𝐓𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐃𝐅: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐂𝐢𝐫𝐜𝐥𝐞Where stories live. Discover now