𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬

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'Come with us, little Pheonix. Become one with your origins and embrace the darkness you've shrouded from the world' the cold, clean voice echoed, the invisible walls opened into a nonexistent room as she ran from the voice. 'You've seen what you can do...so why not use it to get what you want?'

'Stop it Icy! For the last time...I'm not like you.' She paused, black smoke now falling from her body's crevasses and pores like pure reflex. 'Oh~ but you are. Your power is feared by those you surround yourself with. The people that "love" you are scared for their lives simply being around you' she felt her heart in her stomach. A clog found itself in her throat as she stopped her pace, looking up to see glowing blue eyes. 'They may not know what your powers may do to them but you...you know exactly what you could do to them with a snap of your fingers" her words falling like venom she was forced to swallow.

Turning only to the sound of ear-piercing screams that echoed behind her bared back. 'Ares!' Flora's figure looked up at her, scarlet red blood flooding her vision as she eyed the nearly unconscious bodies of her friends. Bloom, Musa, Tecna, Aisha, and Stella's bodies lifelessly draped over the others as they met eyes. Her first transformation present over her body as her cries deafened the young Ares.

Falling to her knees in hopes of saving any possible trace of them, trying to maintain focus as Flora's cries continued. After seconds of drenching her hands in their blood, it was hopeless. Looking down at the muggy red liquid stuck to her fingers like glue. The quickly decaying bodies resembling the scene she did her best to forget. Sparring a glance at the ring that jeweled her ring finger as her breath spiked. The constant singeing cries causing it to become harder to breathe.

'Phoenix?' And there it was, her heart fell to her ground, her blood flow slowed, her heart rate dropped, her breathing sped, and she turned. Gory bodies looked almost unidentifiable as they lied side by side. Their uniforms burned at parts and cut at others as their blood seeped to the floor as if begging to combine, the line first to last listing, Nabu, Timmy, Helia, Brandon, Riven, and finally Skye. Lying dead, cradled in Cyprian's arms as tears lined his eyes.

Blood dripped from Skye's lips, rather than traces of burns or magic there was only a hole. Placed precisely where an arrow hit Ares only months prior. 'Ares, what is going on?!' Her eyes fell wide as she stood blank-faced, her friends' blood still dripping from the tips of her fingers like a spell. 'C-Cyprian?-'

"Ares~" she blasted from the seat in the trailer, her breath still racing as cold sweat lined her body. "Wh-where am I? Are you okay?!" She held the arms of the girl in front of her, Flora's eyes wavered in worry and confusion as she did her best to calm the girl. "We're almost to the ranch, what happened to you? did you have a nightmare?" Ares looked at the girl's soft smile. Only feeling a rush of relief before the image hit her. "I Uhm, I need to call Cyprian" She swallowed the growing lump in her throat, Flora reluctantly nodding before handing her the phone.

"come on pick up pick up" Ares bite her thumbnail, trembling slightly after excusing herself to the privacy of the bus' restroom. Honestly forgetting why she was even there.

"Waddup" Riven picked up, his was the first name to pop up on her recently called list. "H-hey Uhm is everyone with you right now?" She smiled slightly relieved as Riven hummed on the other line "are you okay?" pause, she only hummed in response before asking him to put the phone on speaker so she could talk to everyone.

"Hey, Ares, what's up?" someone spoke through the phone, though not recognizable. "nothing, um are you guys alright?"

"Ares, what's wrong?" Though she wasn't able to recognize the previous voice, this one was clear. Cyprian took the phone and held it to his face, asking the girl what had happened. "I just had a really bad dream is all" she lied, she had nightmares often. much to his knowledge, but none had ever been as bad as that one. "you don't need to talk about it, love. I'll see you when you get back though, alright?" She hummed quickly, allowing herself to catch her breath with the knowledge they were all okay.

𝐓𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐃𝐅: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐂𝐢𝐫𝐜𝐥𝐞Where stories live. Discover now