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"Your class is waiting ladies!" Griselda stuck her head out of the classroom door, the girls pausing their conversations with the hologram versions of their boyfriends. "I'll see you later, Dite" The green-tinted hologram of Cyprian kissed the back of Ares' hand, "good luck" she chuckled as he sadly nodded.

"Bye!" she spoke to the other holograms with a wave, "see you!" Each of them yelled back as the girls entered the room. The students clearly excited as they approached the desk at the front of the room, Ares and Bloom sitting on the hardwood surface as they welcomed the girls to their lesson.

"My name is Bloom, and this is the first time my friends and I have taught anything. I think we are more frightened than when we were in the dark dimension of Omega" the girls laughed before Bloom continued introducing the class. "This class is meant to demonstrate the uniqueness and importance of being a fairy, so let's begin our course of..." she trailed as Tecna looked up at the girl. "Winxology" Ares laughed lightly at the name as the students cheered.

Bloom began the demonstration as she showed her hand to the class, the students watched in awe as the Great Dragon flew throughout the room. Bloom turned to Ares, only nodding before summoning Nyx, the bird rising to the center of the room as the dragon flew around him. Each of the girls soon making demonstrations with their magic, Ares noticing the same girl who sassed them inside their past dorm looking rather unamused by their efforts.

The group soon calmed their spells, Nyx took a swift landing on Ares's shoulder as Aisha demonstrated basic exercise moves behind her. "Here you see a demonstration on how a healthy lifestyle and self-care is important to succeeding as a fairy" the same girl groaned, her heavy blonde bangs covering a large portion of her face. "I would have expected something more exciting from the Winx" Ares laughed lightly before turning to Bloom "to see what we're talking about, we have a demonstration outside" the girls made their way outside, Ares catching the ear of one of the girls bad-mouthing the group.

"Who do they think they are? Rockstars?" Ares coughed behind the girls causing them to gasp, "saviors of the universe" Ares quickly corrected the smaller girl "and all we're trying to do is make learning fun for you girls. Try to be a little understanding" she turned back to the extravagant obstacle course and walked towards the others, trying to ignore the magic seeping off her pockets. She had gotten better at identifying people by their energy trace, and that girls' energy was rather negative for a fairy.

She stood beside the others, helping secure a few of the obstacles. Aisha, Flora, and Bloom took a few seconds to enter their transformations as the surrounding students awed. The girls flew one by one through the obstacle, Bloom stopping at the fire rods that spun hastily. Soon passing the obstacle and entering the large bubble, causing Ares to relax as they left it. Maybe she was going crazy, she could sense something was off with that obstacle but couldn't place it...

Aisha quickly passed all the obstacles, landing softly on the ground as Flora took charge. Ares looked towards the large orb as she entered, a surge of magic energy causing it to explode as Ares ran to catch the now-falling nature fairy. A large portion of the obstacle flying toward the bleachers where the students sat, Bloom quickly catching it as Ares kneeled over her friend's body. A few of them running to check the nature fairies safety.

"I've got her, you guys find the girl who did it and take her to Faragonda" the others nodded, Ares gently healed the light burns on her body before walking her towards the office where a messy-haired girl sat surrounded by the Winx.

"Who's that?" She helped Flora to sit, receiving a quick thanks before walking over towards the girl they brought in. "It's the girl who caused this".

"No, it's not" Ares crossed her arms, leaning away from the girl after feeling the energy that radiated off the girl. "It was one of her friends, the one with thick blonde pigtails" she gestured to her head before Griselda looked over to the girl "Clarissa?" Ares nodded at the name.

"But the box for the trap was in her bag?" Tecna showed Ares the box, gently picking it up as she examined it "this doesn't have her magic trace on it" she handed Tecna back the box, slowly taking it before Faragonda excused the girl from her room. She stumbled out of her chair, now sobbing as she ran out.

Flora sped after her as Tecna, Faragonda, and Ares discussed what to do with the student that actually caused the ruckus. A sudden grossly familiar feeling ran over Ares' body. Turning to the window as a black portal opened, Ares glared down as four men, each wearing rather edgy outfits appeared in the yard "Who's that?" She muttered her breath as she grew dizzy, "they're really...strong" Tecna caught the girl as she adjusted her footing. Gently gripping the closest beam to use for balance before steadying.

Finally catching her breath before running out of the office behind the others, noting the technology fairy already beat her to it as she looked down towards the field. "Flora!" She ran in front of the clearly knocked down girl, putting up an absorption shield as an attack made contact. Meeting eyes with a red-haired man whose face matched the grim feeling of his magic. "Who the hell are you" she cursed as she eyed the four men, "we're looking for the fairies named Bloom and Ares, would you happen to know their whereabouts?" The almost foreign accent feeling odd coming from a citizen of the magic dimension. Ares decided to ignore it as she turned her back to them, hiding the shield to focus her attention on Flora's health.

The others soon running into the field, "ah, maybe you will be of more help" one of them looked up to the girls as they made their transformations, Ares noticing many girls watching them from their windows. "Would you happen to know of either a fairy named Ares or Bloom?" He repeated the question as Ares shook her head to the girl as they made eye contact. "I'm Bloom" Ares groaned at her stupidity for revealing the information as she lifted Flora, turning to the group as they fought the men, trying her best to focus on the girl beneath her before noticing one of them shift into a bird. "has he ever assisted you in battle?" The past conversation lit in her mind at the sight, deciding that this was the day Nyx would make his debut, "Nyx" The bird flew from her shadow, chasing after the shifter.

Walking through the Alfea doors with Flora in her arms as many students surrounded, catching eyes with the same girl that nearly killed Flora earlier that day and had complained about the classes not being "interesting" enough. "This enough action for you?" She groaned as she gently placed Flora against the wall, it seemed her magic energy had been almost entirely drained by the men. She gently checked her face for scars before speaking "Flora I'm doing a transmission okay?" She reassured the girl, continuing after receiving only a weak shake of her head. "What happened to her, is she going to be okay?"

"I'll be teaching you all about this spell later" she lent the girls a sly smile before putting Floras legs between hers, placing their foreheads against each other as she gripped either side of her face "Sana" she could practically feel the girls shake at the energy the spell let out, working by releasing the casters magic energy and forcing it into the person who needed it. Since their second year, she had been studying the spell after seeing how useful it would be in situations just like this one. It can be performed by anyone but should only be used during emergencies.

"I told you not to do that again" Flora opened her eyes, Ares stumbling off her as Flora assisted her to stand. "And I told you never to get your magic drained again, guess neither of us listen" she sarcastically smiled before facing the students. "These foes aren't to be dealt with by you, go back to your dorms and stay there till it's safe" Ares spoke loudly, the girls reluctantly nodding before making their way back to their rooms.

"I have bad news for you girls, the wizards of the black circle are immune to fairies magic" the red-haired wizard spoke proudly as Ares and Flora made their way back outside. Eyes turning to Ares as the fight demanded her take. The wizards forming a circle as black magic filled the garden, Bloom visibly seemed unconscious as purple strikes of what looked like lightning filled the field.

"Oh come on boys, at least spare me the time of day" Ares took a step forward, digging her feet farther into the ground as she absorbed the surrounding energy. The gardens going silent as they eyed Ares and her sister, the strong aura emitting off Ares causing them to take a step back. Sparing a glance to the both of them before stating "well it seems neither Bloom nor you, are what we're looking for" she stared at them for a second, the same black portal opening in the sky as it did earlier. The four wizards getting pulled into it as a screech echoed above it, the rowdy Phoenix landing on her shoulder before vanishing into her shadow. Acting as if to curse out the birds earlier opponent.

Ares running towards Bloom's unconscious body, Faragonda soon beckoning her to speak in her office.

𝐓𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐃𝐅: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐂𝐢𝐫𝐜𝐥𝐞Where stories live. Discover now