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"Are you serious?" Cyprian lifted his sword over the smaller girl's body threatening another attack. "Yes! I haven't been there for the girls, and they really need me especially right now" she was trying to convince him to let her go back to Alfea, normally she would just go whether he wanted her to or not but this week was his coronation. And since she was planning everything...her presence was pretty necessary, to say the least.

"Why don't they just come here for the coronation, I'm sure it'd be educational" she raised a brow at the man as if to ask what could possibly be educational about watching a king be coronated. "Dite, they have exams coming up. And their final projects are due soon. I need to be there to help them out, even if it's just a bit"

Though she didn't want to reject the offer of letting the girls see such a sight, they had more than enough to be worried about.

"Just promise you'll be there before the gates open for the other kingdoms?" She excitedly agreed, boarding a small red fountain ship, one Timmy was happy enough to drive himself. "Hey, Tim! It's been forever" Ares skipped towards the boy who was sitting in the pilot's chair, throwing an arm over his shoulder before making a quick re-introduction.

"You've been rooming with Helia? Why do I feel like that's a bad combo?" Ares laid back on the bottom of the seat, facing the roof, playing with a smaller version of Nyx. "It's alright actually. Technically speaking, nothing bad has come of it" Tommy began to complain about the love letters left all over the room, alongside the plants Helia received as a gift from Flora taking too much space.

"Hope it all sorts out!" Ares waved back into the ship, smiling brightly as she laid foot on Alfea soil once again. Welcoming the homey feeling game her.

"Professor!" She turned to see Alice and Arielle running towards her. Quickly pulling the girl into a hug. "Did you all miss me that much?" She laughed into the embrace before pulling the girls deeper into the hug before letting go. "Yeah?! Why do you leave us with Palladium of all teachers? He gives us such hard lessons!" Alice exhaled as they walked beside the teacher towards their class. "Trust me, girls, him and WizGiz are the easiest this place gets" she shuffled their hair slightly before entering. The girls sat at their desks, turning to chat with their neighbors.

"Welcome back Professor" the class spoke in sync as the teacher took a seat on her desk. "Today is an important subject, more so than any other lesson you've gotten. We will be learning about magic transfers" she circled around the desk to take a seat on the actual chair. "Like with magic sense, magic transfers come easier to some than others. And today you will be learning how to perform a basic energy transfer."

"Heed this warning before we begin: never and I repeat ever. Use this in cases other than emergencies. This spell not only returns an amount of magic energy to someone drained, but it also takes it from the person performing the spell" some of the girls murmured in the back. "It's a very intimidating spell, it's one I learned through reading rather than teachings as I didn't think it would be a spell I'd need"

"But that was pretty far from the truth, most of you actually got to see the spell in action earlier this school year. After the wizards attacked Flora, she was left defenseless and drained of her magic energy. A state of which can cause severe damage to a fairy. I used the spell to transfer enough of my magic into her, to ensure her stability" some of the girls remembered back to the event "so we can do what you did in the Grande hall?" Ares nodded slightly. "But listen...my magic energy is less valuable than yours"

"My magic can easily recharge after a successful attack, literally feeding off the life and magic of whoever it touches. But you all...your magic is quick to drain and even quicker to exhaust you" she sighed before taking a stand, a gentle smile on her features before she turned to the board. Drawing two stick figures across the board from one another "magic transfers work by one fairy releasing their magic energy into the air" she drew spurts leaving the body of the one figure, then led them to the other "and forcing them into the other" she slid the chalk across the board and into the body.

𝐓𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐃𝐅: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐂𝐢𝐫𝐜𝐥𝐞Where stories live. Discover now