Our place

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                                                                   (F/n) P.O.V

(Kenma is a third year in this fanfic)

"This sucks." I mumbled to myself. As I fought back tears that I was now living alone in a sad empty apartment. "Pull yourself together!" I thought. "Your parents died last month. You've cried yourself out enough."

"I couldn't afford to stay at my old house.. ARGH!!! Stop thinking about it!" I lectured myself in my mind as I finally walked from the couch to the kitchen ready to make myself some ramen.

But I couldn't stop thinking about it. My hands were shaking. As soon as I grabbed the noodles from the cabinet, I dropped them. All over the place. I wanted to scream but I can't. There are people around me, living on different floors. 


I picked up all the noodles and threw them out. They were all broken, like me. That's when I decided, "I'm just gonna order pizza" I thought in my head. 

I put on my warm furry jacket and rushed out the door with my wallet in my pocket. I walked there since it was only a few blocks away and also because I didn't even have a car. 

While I was walking I pictured what Nekoma would look like. To me it sounded HUMONGOUS. Like the sun compared to the earth. I did this because I wanted to get my mind off of my dead parents. "I really do wonder how it would look though..."

"Pizza Pizza" I read the sign. 

I finally walked in seeing only two more people sitting at a small round table with no pizza. Then all of a sudden one of them ordered after me and sat back down. 

One of them had black hair but a crazy bedhead. The other looked like a cat but had hair like pudding and had eyes like a cat. I remember someone who looked like that. Maybe my old boyfriend... Kenma.... Yeah that was his name. 

The one that looked like kenma glared at me. I looked away.

The other one was hot though.... I tried avoiding the Kenma looking one. 

My face went beet red when I saw the bedhead notice me staring. I went red because one, he was hot. Two, because I'm embarrassed. So I hid my face in my jacket. 

But it felt like they could see me right through the fuzzyness.

                                                                Kuroo P.O.V 

"Why was she red?... Well... she did look cute... her (e/c) orbs are one of the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen." Kenma just went blabbing on about his new game but I didn't listen. 




"Oh uhm yeah Kenma?" "I was talking about my new game. Anyways..."

Soon she just walked out with her head down. She looked super depressed. Well, chances are I'm never gonna see her again. But some part of me wanted to help her. 

                                                                   (F/n) P.O.V

"I doubt that bedhead was actually looking my way." I thought. 

*Beep beep* 

I pulled my phone out of my leather wallet and checked it. "Oh." I said when I figured out it was from my best friend, Kiyoko. 

Kiyo~chan: Hey (F/n), how's everything going? We haven't talked in a while, and I missed youuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!

(F/n): Hey Kiyoko! I missed you too!!! PLEASE COME TO NEKOMA!!!!!! I BEG YOUUUUUUUUU

Kiyo~chan: I'm sure you'll do fine, you start tomorrow! Have fun! Bye!

And with that I put my phone back.

"I wonder what it's gonna be like tomorrow..." I thought.

"Well, time to watch Atack on titan" I sat down on the couch. "kENnY!!!!" Levi screamed at the top of his lungs. "Not gonna lie it sounded find of funny" I laughed to myself.  

As my mind raced on about tomorrow in Nekoma, my stomach growled. I went to the kitchen and grabbed ice cream. But I ate the whole carton and now I was on sugar rush. 

So I stayed up until about four. But the thing that was racing my mind was that bedhead from before. So I shrugged my shoulders and shook it off. 

Well, tomorrow was another day. And if I get lucky, I might see him again at Pizza Pizza. 

Oh well. 

Good night (F/n).  

A/n: Did you like it? Tell me if I should make the chapters longer please.

Our place~ (Kuroo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now