The Talk

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  Note: watch the video!!    

                                                             (F/n) P.O.V

 I kept walking with my eyes glued to the floor. The my head bursted with questions. "Should I really?" "What if he doesn't like me back?" "What if he thinks I'm a total weirdo???" I sighed and decided to let go of all the questions and refresh my mind.  

That's when I remembered. "Christmas!! It's right around the corner!!" I screamed inside my head. 

"Ugh!! You scream so much inside your head!! Can't you understand that I live up here??" My head asked me rudely. "Sorry sorry." I muttered. 

"I can't wait for winter vacation!!" I shouted quietly. 

I should really decorate my aparatment and maybe add a wreath to my door.. Oh!! I should really buy some christmas pajamas and a cool dress too!! Wait! What if I get a onsie?! I'll get a matching one for Hina too!!

Thank god this is the last week until vacation!!

I got a message from Kuroo just then. 

Some bedhead: (F/n)! Come home right now! It's late!

(F/n): Okay! I'm walking home as we speak!! Cya soon!

I sighed and put away my phone. 

This time, I didn't walk, I ran home. I didn't want Kuroo stressing over me. 

Well, I do have to confess this year because well, we'll probably go to different universities or colleges. 

Or something. 

Anyway, I'm kinda debating if I should. Since... we're probably not gonna spend christmas together.

I got another text. This time, from the Nekoma group chat.

Yamamoto: Hey guys!! And goddess, wanna come to my christmas party? It's on christmas eve!! It's on Saturday at 5:00 bring your siblings and stuff, 'cause my mom will probably do stuff with them and have them not included in the party! Oh! And it enda at 9:30 'cause my mom will get mad.


Lev(i Ackerman): Sure I'll be there!

Lev had already responded. So I decided too respond too. 

(F/n): Sure!! I'll be there too!!

I put away my phone and looked around. I was near the apartment now!! And in the city it looked so pretty with all the christmas decorations! 

My eyes were melting at the brightness. I loved it. Christmas is my favourite holiday of the year!!

I entered the apartment building. "Oh my gosh!!" I nearly screamed when I was all the beautiful decorations. 

This was gonna be such a fun christmas!!

I walked in to my apartment room and greeted with: "I'm home!!!" 

Kuroo smiled. "So, someone's home then." He said while letting go of the ICE CREAM SCOOPER!? "Wait a minute... they were eating ice cream at the maid cafe.. why are they eating it now?" I asked him while taking off my shoes. 

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