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                                                                      (F/n) P.O.V

I don't really remember what happened that night.. But now, my stomach hurts and I'm in the bathroom throwing up with the lights off. 

Why? Because I can't handle lights anymore. I'm also very weak. I can only walk from the front door to my room. Sucks right? 

Kuroo walked in. "Feeling better?" He asked me while patting my back. "I guess.." I said through gags. "I'm gonna kill that Yamamoto.." He mumbled. "It's fine. I mean.. I'm fine." I said. "You are not fine. You're tottally hungover." He said kind of frustrated. 

I kept throwing up. "Just take it easy for the next couple of hours okay?" He said reassuringly. "...Okay." I replied. 

Not too long after, I finnished throwing up and I went back to bed. "How much longer is she be hungover?" I heard Akemi's voice say. "Don't worry. Not long. What do you guys want for lunch?" Kuroo said in a happy tone. 

I heard my stomach growl. I ignored it and tried going to sleep. But it kept growling, so I walked out of my room and into the kitchen. "(F/n)? Why are you out of bed?" Kuroo asked me softly. 

"I'm actually kinda hungry.." I said with a nervous smile. Kuroo chuckled. "Good. We're having miso soup." He said. "Nice!! Oh, Kuroo? Can you help me with science later?" I asked him. "Sure!! I like that you want to learn!" He said happily. 

I smiled and quickly finnished the soup that he brought to the table just now. "Done!!" I said happily. "Okay." He said while also finnishing his soup quickly and going to my room. 

"Here..." I said while taking out my notebook for science. "Wow, your notes are very much organized." He said impressed. "Why, thank you." I said like a was a princess. He laughed. "I have so much fun when I'm with you." He said. I smiled. "Same here. Now, science!!" I said happily. 

He started explaining what everything meant. All of a sudden, my mind wasn't so blurry. I knew what everything meant. But when he was explaining and looking at the paper, sometimes I would take a glance at his pretty face. 

I didn't feel the same way about science as I did before. I understood it which actually made it way more fun. I kept asking questions normaly, because my shy ass was too shy to ask in class, and besides, I feel better when I'm around my friends. 

It seems like I had a lot to catch up on, because we was going on for hours. Then later, everything got boring again because he was moving on to another whole thing which I didn't understand at all. 

"Okay.. I think that's enough for today." I said while taking the books away and putting them in the bag. But Kuroo frowned and took out the book again and started explaining everything again.

"Noooo!!" I whined. "That's not fair! My brain is done for today!" But Kuroo just continued explaining. I groaned. "I'm pooped!!" But Kuroo still didn't listen. I was so irritated. That's when he cut the line. 

I walked away. But Kuroo wouldn't let me. He grabbed my hand and sat me down beside him so he could keep talking.

"This is so boring!! Let me go away!" I argued. "Stay." Was all he said and he kept talking. 

"I don't wanna do this anymore!!" I whined. But he kept on going which made me even more irritated. I plugged my ears and started singing. "LALALALAALLALALLALALA I CAN'T HEAR KUROO ALALALLALA!!" 

Kuroo paused for a second and held both of my hands in one hand while he was using the other to write. I tried to get out of his grasp but it was no use. AGAIN. That's when I decided to tell him. "You said you'd tutor me when school is back on right?? And it's not back on!" I said irritated. 

Kuroo ignored me. 

"NNNGGHH!!!" I shouted as I finally broke my hands out of his his grasp. "Yes!!" But Kuroo just kept on talking and not caring. I ultra groaned and started with the little punches on his arm. They were getting rougher and stronger by second. 

But Kuroo didn't budge. I started punching harder, but it was no use. "I HATE THIS!!" I screeched probably leaving Kuroo's eardrums shattered. But he still didn't budge. 

"I have to outsmart him.." I thought. "But how??" I asked my head totally pooped. "I cannot generate anything. Kuroo is too smart." My head say in it's normal computery voice. I groaned and kept quiet making Kuroo stop and look at me. 

"Please?" I asked him. He sighed. "Fine, but what do you want to do now then?" He asked me. "I'm not really sure." I replied. 

Suddenly my head generated an idea. "Why don't we watch T.V?!" I asked him hyperly. Kuroo chuckled. "Sure." 

"What do you wanna watch?" I asked him while both of us walked out of my room. "TOKYO GHOUL!!" Hina bursted. "DEMON SLAYER!!" "What's up with you and gore?" Kuroo asked her while ruffling her hair. Hina giggled. 

"How about A Silent Voice?" I asked her. "Oh! The one with Shoya?" She asked happily. "Yes, yes, that one." I said while turning on the T.V and starting netflix up. 

"What about the slushies??" Akemi asked us in a cheeky voice. "You want slushies? Good!! Because so do I!" I said while turning off the T.V and going to put on my shoes. I took my purse off the jacket hook and put it on me. 

 We all marched down to the car, walked in, and drove of to the gas station. The gas station because first off, Kuroo needed gas and secondly, that's the only place I know that has good slushies. 

Soon, we arrived there and Kuroo got stopped at the gas station to do his thing, then me, Akemi, and Hina went into the store to get the slushies. "Which flavour?" I asked them. "Basically frozen lemonade." Hina said with a finger on her chin. I looked at Akemi. "Blue raspberry!" He said. 

I smiled and got both of their slushies and gave it to them. "Thanks (F/n)!" They both said at the same time. "You are very welcome." I said kindly with a smile. 

"Kuroo said he wanted hawaiian punch, so that's what I'll get him." I muttered. I grabbed Kuroo's slushie and then grabbed my own. There were so many flavours I didn't know which one to chose. 

That's when it it me. "Strawberry kiwi!" I said happily while dispensing some strawberry kiwi slushy into a paper cup with a cover and a straw. We all took a BIG sip all at once. I shivered. "BRAIN FREEZE!!" We all shouted.

"You're gonna have to pay for those!" The clerck shouted from the counter. I took Hina and Akemi then walked to the counter to pay up, still not recovering from our brain freezes. "How much will that be?" "(insert random price.) I payed what they told me to pay, then left without another word. 

"Okay, now that we've got our slushies, let's go back home!!" I said happily as I went back to the car with our things. Kuroo smiled as he saw all three of us coming back. "Let's go home!" He said while getting in the car. 


"Wanna go to my place or yours?" I asked Kuroo. "My place. We always go to yours." Kuroo said while unlocking the door to his place. We all walked inside to see a surprising surpise. 

"Hiya.. Tetsuro..." A man that sort of looked like him slurred with a bottle of beer in his hand. Kuroo's face tightened up. "Hello, dad." 

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