A New Job?...

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                                                                                 (F/n) P.O.V

It was already morning. Great. Another day of Nekoma. 

I woke up. 

 "Good morning." Kuroo said looking at me. I smiled. "Good morning to you too!" I said not looking at him. 

Wait a minute.. this is so much harder than my bed. I looked down at where my bed was supposed to be. 

I was the reddest I had been in my whole life. 


Kuroo laughed. "I guess you realized where you were." He said playfully. 

I quickly got off him, and went back on my bed falling asleep again.

"But can I stay in bed just for a bit..." I said while trying to fall asleep again. "Nope. We've got a long day of school ahead of us!" Kuroo said as he pulled the sheats off my bed. 

"Noooo..." I whined while falling off the bed. "WOAH!" "You okay?" Kuroo asked. "Yeah. I just fell off the bed." I said plainly. 

I got up and looked at him. SHIRTLESS. AGAIN!

I blushed and looked away. 

Kuroo helped me up. "Thank-" I was cut off by Kuroo's finger on my lip. "Remember what I said? No thank you's." He said. "O-oh right.." I said. 

"I'm gonna go too my apartment to change. I'll be back to pick you and your sister up." He said while putting his shirt on and leaving. 

I sighed. 

Yes, Hina is going to the middle school beside Nekoma, but I'm not sure what it's called. 

I looked at my phone to see SO MANY notifications from Karasuno group chat. 

Oh right! I have new friends named Tsukki, Yams, Kags, and Sunshine! Well, I gave them nicknames. 

They're all first years who just joined the volleyball club. 

Right, back to the notifications. "What?.." I said when I saw "What is this (F/n)?" Or like "Someones finally got themselevs a boyfriend!" Or like "Congrats (F/n)!" 

I scrolled up. 

"What!?" I screamed when I saw a picture of me and Kuroo cuddled up. "Who did this..?" I said. 

"HINA!!!" I screamed while running at full speed to Hina's room. 

"Oh hey big sis." She said while making her bed. "So what's for breakfast?" 

I completely ignored her question. 

"Did you do this?" I asked her angryily while showing her the picture. 

"Yeah." She said like there was nothing to hide. "Why?" I asked her a bit more patient this time. "Well, because I wanted to show them you've got a boyfriend." She said while fixing the pillows. 

I sighed. 

"I don't have a boyfriend!" I said. 

"Then why were you all cuddled up?" She asked now walking out of her bedroom. 

"Because... well because.. Fine. you got me. I like him." I said admitting the truth while following Hina to the kitchen. 

"Wait? Since when did you become the older one?" I said with a hand on my hip. 

She shrugged. 

"I'm sure you like someone too." I said smirking. 

Hina turned bright red. 

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