College Life

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                                                 (F/n) P.O.V

It's been a quite a few months now, and graduation is today. I can't believe I'm going to college!! And I decided I'm gonna be a employee at the Japan soccer accotiation. 

Tetsuro is gonna do the same, but with volleyball. I smiled at Tetsuro who was sitting beside me. He smiled back. Then, I looked back at the teacher. 

"So, you're going to be sent down to the gym one by one to take your pictures. Then..." And the rest was just boring stuff. 

There's extreamely good news!! Me and Tetsuro found a college that's close to home, and we're gonna go there everyday now. And Harumi, she's gonna be a lawyer. 

Speaking of Harumi, she and Kenma got together!! I'm so happy for them!! 

I just sat there smiling like an idiot and trying not to burst out of seat for being so excited. "Okay, now, (L/n) (F/n) please come to the gym." The principal said on the P.A. 

I smiled, took a hall pass and waved at Tetsuro and Harumi adn left to the gym. When I had arrived there, there were so many third years.

"Yaku-san!!" I burst while running to my friend. "(F/n)!" He said while greeting me by the door. "I just got my picture taken, and I'm gonna head back to class." He said while pointing to the class across from the gym. "Okay, then. Bye!" I said while waving. Yaku waved, then left. 

"(L/n) (F/n), please come here and get your picture taken." A person called out from across the gym. I ran to the area and quickly sat down, and they took my picture. 


On my way out, I also saw Imakido and Ikari enter. I smiled at them. "So, it's settled? Ichika's gonna be the captain next year?" I asked them. Ikari nodded. "I'm glad we can all keep in touch by the group chat!!" 

I nodded and left. I'll really miss the soccer team that I've grown to love. Especially Airmi, Ichika and kami-chan. 

I walked back to class to see Harumi walk out of the classroom. She gave me a wink. I smiled in response. 

I sat back down at my seat and I swear I was so excited, I was gonna blow up the desk with all the energy I had. Harumi came back not too long after, and it was Tetsuro's turn. 


It was the end of the day and I walked out of the classroom beaming. "Tetsuro, I'm so excited!!" "I can see that." He said while we ran through a crowd of angry people that wanted to get out of school. 

Soon, we were at Akemi and Hina's school waiting for them. They ran out of their school like there was no tommorow. Me and Tetsuro had made up our minds. 

"Hey guys!" Tetsuro greeted them. "Hello!!" They said together. "Guys, next year while we're in college, you guys are gonna be walking to and back from school alone." I announced. 

They nodded. "That's fine with me." Hina said. "Yeah." Akemi followed. "Okay. Let's go home then."


Me and Tetsuro waved at Hina and Akemi who were going to their first day of school again. Me and Tetsuro were finally going to college at last. 

I hopped in the car ready to drive. "Well, let's go!!" I said as I started driving to the area. 

Soon, we finally arrived there. "Woah. It's really big." I muttered to myself. Tetsuro nodded. "We have a lecture now." I gulped kinda afraid of how mean the teacher would be. 

"Okay, chibi-chan, see you later!" Tetsuro said while walking to his class. "Bye!" I said while walking into the lecture hall. "We meet here at the end of the day!!" I said. "Fine with me."

But he ran back to me first and pecked me on my lips. "Bye~" I smiled. "Bye! I love you!" "Love you too!"

I pushed open the door to the hall and my eyes widened. 

"THERE ARE LIKE MILLIONS OF PEOPLE HERE!!" I screeched inside my head. Everyone stared at me.

"You're (L/n) right?" The lecture person asked me. I nodded. "You're sitting at seat 3-M." He added while pointing to teh row that I was in. 

I looked up, and walked over there, and sat down. He continued with his talking and stuff as I wrote down notes. Well, it wasn't really boring. It was what I liked, so I enjoyed it. 

Not too long after, we got a lunch break. IT WAS ONLY FOR TEN MINUTES?! I sighed and pulled out my bento box and started eating. 

"Okay, lunch times up!" The teacher said as he continued on with his speech, which I jolted down notes. 

Most of today's stuff was just the basics and what you needed to know about being in the soccer acossiation. Which I think I did pretty good with. I listened to every little detail, even the unimportant ones. 

I have my mind set for this job. I wanna do this almost as much as I wanted to stay with Tetsuro forever. 

But, before I knew it: "Lecture's over today." The guy said as he closed his big fat book and left. I sighed and looked at all the notes I made. There was 15 pages of them. And that too, with small writing. 

I ran outside and waited for Tetsuro to arrive, which he did shortly. I greeted him with a kiss. "Thank you." I gasped. "You still remember that?" "Well, of course I did. I remembered because I love you." He said softly. I smiled. "I love you too." 

"Tetsuro? Guess how many pages of notes I have!!" I chirped. "15 pages?" He guessed. I smiled and nodded. "How did you know?" "Well, I had 15." "Ahh." 

"Well, the teacher said we have to go home, memorize them, and understand them, otherwise we're not allowed to come back tommorow." Tetsuro said while trying to get a grip of my hand, which I let him. 

"You're not allowed back?! My teacher didn't say that!! He just said "Lecture's over today." I immitated a blunt voice. Tetsuro laughed. "I bet he didn't sound like that." I pouted. "It's my best impression!" 

Tetsuro laughed again. 

And I pouted again. 

Soon we headed back to the car, which this time, Tetsuro drove home. "You know, my mom said that during college, she didn't get to hang out with her friends because she was so busy." 

"So, I'm guessing we wont have enough time for eachother or the team." I said while looking down and looking at my hands. 

But Tetsuro put the hand that wasn't on the wheel on my hand. "We'll make time. Trust me." I sighed and tried to believe what he had said. 

"Whatever happens, just know that... I love you." I said simply. Tetsuro smiled. "Love you too, chibi-chan." 


Soon, we had arrived home and we were gonna study. We came home to see Hina and Akemi being their usual selves. They were eating snacks and studying. 

I sighed and we both said 'hi' to Akemi and Hina, then we went in our room to start studying. I could understand almost all the soccer terms, so it was easy. And so could Tetsuro.

We finnished in about 2-3 hours. I know it doesn't seem quick, but it's supposed to be in college life. 

I put down my pencil and read all my notes over again to I could understand. And Tetsuro, he was busy kissing the back of my neck which tickled. I giggled slightly. 

"Chibi-chan, hurry up. I wanna show you that we have time for eachother~" I nodded and read over my notes quickly and finnished. 

So, in the end, we did have time for eachother. And the night just turned into making out. 

And... I guess this... is college life.

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