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                                                    (F/n) P.O.V

There we were. Against the window of my apartment fucking eachother while Hina and Akemi were at their friends house. Yes. Against the window. And why was a long story.

"A-ah~" I moaned. "I think I'm gonna- HAAH~!" I moaned as he went faster and harder. My body was exhausted now. 

But Tetsuro, he had stamina. "Moan for me kitten~" Words slipped out of his mouth and into my ear as I left scratch marks on his back. "NYAN~!" I meowed like a kitten. 

"Why w-wont you l-let me be d-dom?" I asked him. "Because you're in no position. And I'm dom." He said sternly. "I-I can do it! You just h-have to give me a shot! Fuck~!" 

"No. Maybe on your birthday." I sighed. "C-can I cum??" I asked him. "Hmm... okay." I came everywhere. 

"Okay~ you've proved you can be dominant." He said while pulling out. I smirked. And got down on the floor. "Lie down." I said sternly. "And I only respond to mistress." "Okay mistress~" 

I took a piece of cloth and blindfolded him. "Chibi-chan, I can't see~" "MISTRESS!" I snapped. "Now, for your first punishment," I grabbed the same leash that he used for me. 

I smacked him with it. He didn't say anything. Not even 'ouch.' Actually, to be honest, I really didn't know how to be a dom. I was just copying Tetsuro. 

I just lied down beside him and started giving him love bites everywhere. "Ah~ Mistress~" I smirked. Now I see why he likes being dom. 

I started teasing him. Then, he got irritated. "SHUT UP AND JUST BOUNCE ON MY DICK ALREADY!" He growled and set me on him as he ripped the blindfold off. 

"I'm dom now." He said plainly. "But I loved being do-" "No!" 

I sighed, accepting my fate. "Fine with me, Tetsuro." "Daddy. I only respond to daddy." I nodded. "D-daddy~! Nyan~! "Good girl~" "D-DADDY~! AH~!" 

"Ah fuck~ I'm gonna cum.." He said as he moved around a little. "I'm gonna cum on your face. Understood?" I nodded knowing that he loves cumming on my face. 

"SPLURT!" There was cum all over my face. Tetsuro smirked and took a picture. "H-hey! Delete it!" I ranted. "No chibi-chan~ I just favourited it!" 

I crossed my arms. He got up. "Let's go clean up. The dance is in a couple of hours. You're driving." I smiled and nodded. "Alright!" 


We arrived at the dance, and everyone in the class was there!! That also meant Armin. The man was just smirking at me. I made an angry face at him and moved closer to Tetsuro. 

"Hm? What's wrong chibi-chan?" I pointed towards Armin who waved in a lazy-like way. Tetsuro scoffed. "Just ignore him." He said while leading me towards our friends. 

                                                    Armin P.O.V

Hah. That (L/n) doesn't know what coming towards her. Me and my sis made a plan. I like (L/n), so we're gonna seperate them, then I'm gonna pin (L/n) to the door. 

My sis is gonna show Kuroo, then he'll think she's a cheater. 

Great plan. 

"Tetsuro? I'm gonna go to the bathroom okay? I'll be right back!" (L/n) said while walking in the direction of the washroom. 

I ran up to her. 

                                                   (F/n) P.O.V

I made a face at him. "Move. Now." I said sternly. But he didn't listen. He just pinned me against the wall and started kissing me. 

"Get off!!" I screamed, but I was muffled. 

I tried pushing him off me. But when I could, he got off willingly. I turned around to go tell Tetsuro, but he was just standing there looking at me. 

"Go to the bathroom? I hope you had a nice shit." He said sadly. "Tetsuro I-" I was gonna tell him what Armin did to me, but he got the wrong idea. 

"No! You cheated!" Tetsuro said with tears slipping from his eyes. "No tha-" He cut me off again. My tears were filled with tears. "You cheater!" He shouted. "N-no!! I didn't cheat! I can explai-" 

"No! I really, really, dislike you." He said while walking away. 

I ran to the bathroom crying. "I've lost the love of my life to some bitch?!" I screeched so probably everyone heard. I ran out of the bathroom hoping Armin wouldn't bardge in. 

"(F/n)? You really cheated?" I heard someones voice. I just ran out and ran back home. Well, the car was gone so I had no choice. 

Soon, I arrived home. I slammed the door open to see my ex sitting down and watching TV. I was so angry. "Tetsuro, just give me a chance to explain!!!"

"Don't talk to me!! I-I thought you were the one.. but it seems like there's another person out there for me." This made my heart shatter into a million pieces. 

I almost wanted to punch the wall down. Instead, I ran to the balcony and locked the door behind me. I sat down on the floor looking at Tetsuro who was watching TV. 

His words echoed in my head. I stood up and let out a really big scream then, I started crying the loudest I've ever cried. 

It seemed like Tetsuro was annoyed, because he came to the door. "Be quiet." He said while shutting th edorr and going inside. 

"Why wont you listen to me?!" I hollered. "I didn't do anything!! It was-" "I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT!!" 

I just shut up and opened the door. I sat next to my ex on the couch. I acted like everything was normal. And so did he. We just sat at opposite sides of the couch. 

I kinda wanted to slap him across the face I was so angry right now. But I was also so sad. I thought of Armin in my mind and cringed. 

"I hate that little brat..." I muttered. "That Armin always getting what he wants... I can't let that happen." "Tch." He tch-ed. 

I looked at my fist and clenched it as tears splattered all over the couch. I don't feel safe anymore... I'm not that strong either.. It's nice having someone who can protect me from Armin. 

I guess you could say this is how I felt everyday until I met Tetsuro. I wanna go to Kiyoko's house. 

"I'm going to Kiyoko's house. Maybe she'll take care of me for something I DIDN'T EVEN D-" This man just keeps cutting me off. "Just go. And don't take my car." 

I clenched my other fist. "Well, her house is far, so how to I get there?!" I asked. Tetsuro shrugged. "Just ask your boyfriend." This made me so angry. 


Tetsuro didn't respond. 

"Fine!! Be like that!" I screamed while putting on my jacket and leaving. 


I told Kiyoko about everything. Sadly, she had nothing to tell me. But just her listnening made me feel better. 

Kiyoko drove me back home where Hina and Akemi were probably haning out in their room. I looked at Tetsuro. "Oh. You. I'm surprised you didn't move out yet." I said nastily. 

I just wanted peace. That's all. And of course, I wanted Armin to rot in hell. 

I walked to my room still in tears and lied down and sobbed wanting to be embraced by Tetsuro. I looked outside. "Mom.. Dad... I need help.. no one can understand.." 


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