The Devil's New Attack

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                                                                            (F/n) P.O.V

Before I knew it, I was in bed looking at my phone. 

I had to respond to all the messages of the group chat about how Hina did it and I didn't like anyone and that stuff. 

After I was done all that, I'm still pretty sure no one believed me. But at least I tried. I put my phone on my night table and looked at the ceiling. 

This was the first time I was sleeping alone in this room. It feels so weird concidering I had shared my bed for about two days. 

Well, I'm alone now. Hina's gone to bed. 

But I still want a child. I've heard that it hurts though. 

Oh well. I erased that though out of my head. 

"Go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep.." I muttered to myself. 

But I couldn't. 

I touched my eyepatch remembering Kuroo's kindness. I also touched my hand where he touched it when I got hurt. 

I kept thinking about things. 

That's when I decided to get up, go to the bathroom and see what my eye looked like without the eye patch. 

I went to the bathroom and took it off. It was still pretty black. Then, I took my bandeges from my sprained wrist off. 

"Ow.." I said while squeezing my wrist. 

I took some new bandages from my drawer and put them on my wrist. 

Much better. 

But I put the same eye patch on. I liked it. I mean I like Kuroo.

I heard sobbing noises coming from Hina's room.  

I ran out of the bathroom to Hina's room. 

Hina was out of bed. "Is everythi-" I cut myself off my Hina turning around with tears in her eyes. 

"What's wrong?" I asked her worried and walking towards her. 

She quickly wiped her tears away. "Nothing.. she said holding her left arm. 

Wait.. she was holding it earlier. 

I pulled up her sleeve to see dried blood all over her arm. 

"WHAT IS THIS!? WHO DID THIS??!" I hollered. "No one.." She said looking away. 

"Tell me. Now." I said in a serious tone while moving her to face me.

"H-Harumi.." She said still crying. "That bitch has a sibling?!" I said in my mind. 

I brought her into a hug. 

"You know their older sibling gave me this eye patch and bandages." I said looking at my left hand. 

"O-oh. Sorry." She said hugging me even tighter. "I love you sis." 

"I love you too, little sis." I said with tears forming in my eyes. 

I broke the hug. "I'm getting bandages for you." I said seriously while taking Hina with my to my bathroom.

As soon as we got in there, I took some bandages from the cupoard and wrapped them around Hina's arm. 

But there weren't enough. 

And it was too late to buy any. 

So I took some off from my wrist and gave it to her. 

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