My "Amazing" New Outfit

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                                                                 (F/n) P.O.V

We were heading home, well Kuroo and I guess I can call him Akemi now. While me and Hina were going to my apartment. 

I heard some of Hina and Akemi's conversation. "You can call me Hina.." Hina said shyly. "O-oh.. sure. You can call me Akemi.." Akemi said shyly. 

"And so can you guys!" Akemi said reffering to me and Kuroo. 

I smiled at him. "Why thank you." I said kindly. 

Kuroo smirked and took out his phone and did something with it. "Whaccha doing?" I asked him. "Oh just checking the time." He said with no smirk. 

All of a sudden, I felt something weird. Really weird. "W-wha..?" I started off as some vibrations hit my clit.

I gulped. 

Kuroo saw my sweaty face in horror. "What's wrong (F/n)?" He asked me innocently and gave me a hand to hold onto. 

I squeezed his one finger that my hand could fit around. 

I just looked straight ahead at the road and tried to ignore the vibrations. I couldn't see it, but I could tell that Kuroo was there looking at me with a smirk. 

Kuroo got out his phone and swiped up. 

Now the vibrations were going high. I couldn't ignore it anymore. 

"K-Kuroo- I- Ngggh~ I'm fee- Ah~! I'm f-feeling a little- Nggghh~ Off... Nggghhh~~!!

Kuroo rubbed my hand. "Hm? How?" He asked me. "I- I- don't NNNGGHHH~~~!!!" 

Hina and Akemi stopped their conversation. "Sis? Are you okay?" She asked me. "Y-ye- AH~!! Yeah.. I'm f-fi- Nggghhhh~! I'm fine.." I said while squeezing Kuroo's hand even more now. Hina shrugged. "If you say so." 

Kuroo looked at me. "Back to our conversation. Is it painfull? How does it feel?" He asked me with a smirk. 

I could tell he was up to something. But I didn't know how to describe this feeling. It felt... different. 

"I-it Ngghhhh~~ feels differe- Ah~!! different." I finnished. "Ah." Kuroo said. "I'll come over and take care of you." He said in a sweet tone. "O-okay- Ngghhh~!! Thanks!" I said. 

W-what? Why is there a knot in my stomach? Am I okay? Am I just hallucinating?

Kuroo brought his face close to me. "I did it." I was confused. "Did what?" I asked. "I made you feel the vibrations. I'm sorry. Do you want me to tur-" I cut him off my my knot in my stomach bursting. 

It felt like an explosion. 

"H-huh?" I asked. Why is there liquid all over my panties?! Is it white?! Do I have an infection??!!! WILL I BE OKAY?!

"Kuroo?! Emergency!!" I whisper shouted. "Yeah??" He asked me. "AH~! There's w- Nghhh~~ White liquid-" He cut me off. 

"It's cum." He said plainly. "What's tha- Ngghhh~~" I started. 

"I think my toy fucked you too hard.." He said with guilt in his voice. He took out his phone and swiped down. 

The vibrations stopped. I sighed of relief. 

"Thank- wait... how did you get those vibrations in there?!" I asked pointing to my you-know-what. "I have my ways." He said with a smirk. 

"Oh!! We're home!!" He said dropping the topic and getting out of the car. 

I was kinda upset at him for doing that without my permission. But oh well. He's Kuroo. He's like that. I can't change it. But... I don't really mind it... I shrugged it off and waited for Hina and Akemi to get out of the car. 

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