Happy Birthday, Yua!!

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                                            (F/n) P.O.V

Me and Tetsuro we spending quality time together and watching a movie, while we had 2 bowls of popcorn each. Actually, he only took 1. I took 2.

I paused the movie. "Tetsuro? Did we think of a name?" I asked him. "No. But.. I have a suggestion. I want to name her Yua." I smiled. "I like it." 

Yes, it was gonna be a girl. Tetsuro held my stomach. "She kicked!" I noticed. He smiled. "She did." I unpaused the movie, and we kept watching. Until... I grabbed Tetsuro's arm and started sweating. "Are you okay? What's wrong?"

"I-I- MY WATER'S BREAKING!!" Tetsuro's eyes widened. He quickly turned off the TV, scooped me up, and he ran to the car, and started driving to the hospital as I sat in the car, trying not to make too much noise. I bit my lip. "You've gotta s-speed!!" 

But he couldn't. Why? Because we got stuck in traffic. Tetsuro growled. We moved 1 inch per minute, and it took a while to overcome the traffic.

Thankfully, we made it just on time. He carried me into the hospital, and saw a wheelchair at the entrance which he shoved me in, and ran with me to the front desk. 

"We need a room and a doctor, quickly!!" Tetsuro exclaimed. She front desk lady looked confused. "Excuse me?" Tetsuro gulped. "My wife is having a baby!" 

I couldn't listen to the rest of the conversation because I was drowning in pain. I shifted around my wheelchair. 

Then, Tetsuro started pushing me to a room, which I got up and lied down on the bed. 

Soon, I had been in a hospital gown with a nurse and Tetsuro beside me. I flinched at the pain, wanting to go home. But I couldn't. This was it. The huge stomach was finally gonna be gone. 

"Okay, Miss, you need to breathe. Deep breaths, in and out." I followed her instructions and did what she told me. "Good. Keep breathing." 

"Here comes a contraction." I flinched at the pain and squirmed around the hospital bed. "Breathe!! You need to breathe!" Tetsuro kept repeating. 

"Arrghh!!" I screamed, holding onto Tetsuro's hand for my dear life. "Breathe!!" 

The rest of the day had been like this. But at about 2:00 in the morning, when I had almost fallen asleep, "MISS!! YOU NEED TO START PUSHING! THE BABY'S COMING!!" 

I snapped out of it and accedentally dug my nails into Tetsuro's hand as I pushed. "AAARRGGHH!!! NNNGGH!!!" I kept shouting as Tetsuro put a wet cloth on my forehead. 

"You're doing great! Keep going!" Tetsuro reassured. Tears builded up in the corner of my eyes as Tetsuro replaced the wet cloth with another. 

"I can see her head!!" The nurse exclaimed. "Come on, chibi-chan! I know you can do it!" Tetsuro exclaimed. "A couple more pushes!" 

Pain... Oh it hurt. It hurt bad. 

"It's alright! I'm here!" And "Just a couple more!" Filled the room. I started my breathing again, which didn't really help the pain, it helped not worrying. 

It hurt more than falling off a bike and getting a scrape... It hurt more than spraining my wrist... it hurt more than... almost anything. 

"One more!!" I pushed hard once more, and that was it. The nurse took the baby to go clean her off. 

"Hey, chibi-chan. You did great out there! I'm so proud of you!" Tetsuro exclaimed. He kissed my forehead, and went to the door. 

Kiyoko, Chika, Himari, Ayami, Harumi, Hina, Akemi, and Mom bursted through the room. "Wow! I have a neice!" Hina said with tears falling from her eyes. 

The nurse gave me the baby. "Kuroo Yua.." I muttered. Everyone got a turn to hold the newborn after Tetsuro and me did. "I'm a mother..." 

Yua was so cute!! She just sat there is everyone's arms not saying a word. Probably because she was sleeping. She had hair, well just a tiny bit. 

She had inhereted Tetsuro's black hair, and my aunt's purple eyes. However, her facial features were like mine.

They handed the baby back to me. "Hi! I'm your mother!" I said in a soft tone. Yua woke up and looked at me for a while as I smiled back at her. 

I held out my pinky for her to hold, and she clung onto it and brought it closer to her. I was in awe. Soon, Yua and fallen asleep again, this time in Tetsuro's arms.

She seemed to like everyone, but me, Tetsuro, Hina and Akemi were her top picks. And soon, it was gonna be time for her to go home. 

I sprung out of the boring blue bed and ran to the bathroom where they had my real clothes. "Where are you going?" Tetsuro asked me. "I'm changing back into my other clothes." 

He nodded and continued playing with her soft hair as Yua didn't mind it. 

"I can't believe it. My baby. My Tetsuro. My.. well eveything!" I thought to my head as I changed outfits into my casual sweatshirt and sweatpants. After, I barged out of there. 

I think I woke Yua up. "Aaaah." She simply said, not screaming or anything. I giggled at her adorableness and started playing with the newborn. 

"Happy birthday, Yua!" 


It's been a couple of days, and it's finally time to go home. I gave Yua her milk, which she quickly inhaled. "She must really love her milk.." I thought. 

And soon, it was time to go to bed. Tetsuro put the child in the crib in our room as we both fell asleep on the bed not too long after. 

We fell asleep for 5 minutes when... Yua started crying softly. Not like any baby would. We both ran to the crib in a hurry to see what's wrong. Her face was against the jailbar looking thing, and Tetsuro picked her up. 

I moved her hair up to see her full face. She had a red spot in the middle of her forehead. "She must've hit her forehead while tossing and turning. 

I took Yua in my hands and softly put my hand on the red spot. "Shhh, you're okay." I said while rocking her slowly in my arms. Yua stopped crying and started falling asleep. 

I put her back in the crib and not too long after, we both fell asleep. Sucsessfully. Like, actually. 

I'd wished I realized this earlier: babies are hard work. 

But they're not annoying, like most dumb people think. They're cute! You just have to get along with them and make them comfortable with you. 

This hopefully can be a wonderful experience. If Yua doesn't bite or cry too much. But I can't believe I finally have a child!!

Soon, she'd be going off to college and getting a job, and having her own children. And me and Tetsuro would be old and gray. 

I kept on dreaming about our future, I didn't realize it was time to get up and feed the child. Then, I rolled out of bed knowing that Tetsuro had to go to work early and I took 6 months off. 

Yua just sat there. "Good morning, my child!" I whisper shouted. A smile slipped onto Yua's face as soon as I got her out of bed. 

"Aaaah." Yua kept repeating. I looked at her. "What aaah? You hungry?" I asked her. "Aaaah." Then, her hand reched up to my BOOB?! She held onto it for her dear life.

I blushed slightly and removed her hand. But she put it there again. "Yua, no." I told her. "Aaah." I sighed. "Yua, that's not nice. Please don't do that." "Ah." Yua put her hand back. 

"Thank you." 


I swear this child is never gonna learn how to speak-

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