Cooking competition!

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                                                                                    (F/n) P.O.V

"Who knew there was acctually colour in this building?!" I almost shouted. "This is so much better than my apartment!! Let's swich!" I shouted again. 

But my next line was interupted by my stomach growling. I blushed and put my hands on my stomach. 

"Hungry?" He asked while going to the kitchen. "Yeah... I'm starving!" I said while following Kuroo to the kitchen. 

The floor plan was so different so I HAD to follow him. 

"Huh?" He said while looking at me. "Yeah?" I said. 

"I wanna show you my amazing cooking skills!!" I said with a smile. "Okay then. I wont do anything." He said now behind me with his hands on my shoulders driving me into the kitchen. 

"Let me see just how good you are." He said with a smirk. I smirked too. 

"Challenge?" I asked like this was the soccer finals. "Yeah." He said. 

Our faces were like two millimeters apart. But I ignored it. No blush. I had to go on ultra tipytoes to get to that level though. 

"Can I go first?" I said backing away from his face. "Okay. Take all the time you like. I have all day." "Okay!" I said with a smile. 

I walked to the kitchen like I knew exactly what I was doing, yet didn't even know what to cook.

"Hmm.." I thought. "What I am good at making..?" I asked myself looking up and taping my chin. 

Meanwhile, Kuroo was staring at me from the table with a smirk. "Don't know what you're gonna make huh?" He said. "Yeah.. Got any ideas?" I asked. 

"I can't tell you~~" He said mischeviously. "Please?" I begged. "Nope. Not in a million years~" 

I sighed. 

"I know!" I said out loud. 

Onigiri, miso soup, and sashimi!

 "What're you making?" Kuroo asked me. "Not tellin' ya~" I said playfully. 

Kuroo chuckled. "Using my own trick againsed me?" "Yeah!" I said as I punched the air. 

"Got an apron?" I asked. "No.." Kuroo responded. "Alright. That's fine!" I said with a smile. 

I was gonna ask where the rice was but I didn't want Kuroo to know what I was making. So I looked in like every single cabinet. No rice. I guess the only thing I could do now was ask him. 

"Kuroo? Where's the rice?" I asked. "In the cabinet behind you." He said while pointing behind me. I frowned. "I didn't see it." I said. "Look harder." 

So I turned around. It wasn't there. "It's not there." I said. "Look up." He said said pointing upwards. 

I looked up. 

IT'S ON THE HIGHEST SHELF!? HOW AM I GONNA GET THAT!? "Kuroo do you have a stool?" "No." 

"Then how am I supposed to get it?" I whined. Kuroo got up from his chair and came towards me. 

All of a sudden I was in the air.

 "Huh?" I said. I looked down to see Kuroo carying me. I smiled. "Thank you!" I said kindly. "Anytime." Kuroo said. 

I got the rice then Kuroo let me come down. 

"Thank you again!" I said while bowing a full 90 degree angle. "It's fine. Friends don't need to say "thank you". He said while bending me back to my original posture. 

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