The True Family

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                                                                (F/n) P.O.V

I looked up at Kuroo who was staring at his dad with widened eyes and small pupils and an angered look. 

Then, he looked at Hina and Akemi who were beside me. "Come here." So they did as they told and came beside Kuroo so he can protect them?? 

"You too." He pulled me close to him. "Huh?? Who's this?" Kuroo's dad slurred. "(F/n), Hina and Akemi." "Tell me about them dumbass!!" He snapped. Kuroo rolled his eyes. I gulped. 

"(F/n) is my close friend, Akemi, I found him on the street so I took him in, and Hina is (F/n)'s sister." He finnished. Kuroo's dad rolled his eyes and screamed someones name. "Ritsu!!" 

A poor woman with many bruises and cuts walked quickly to his side. "Mom??!!" Kuroo screamed as he ran to his mom to give her a hug. She looked at me. "Hi sweetie! How are y-" She got cut off by Kuroo's dad. 

"Bitch! Did I give you permission to talk?" Kuroo's dad slurred while slapping Kuroo's mom in the face. "N-no.. I'm sorry." The woman said with tears in her eyes. Kuroo slapped his dad's face. "What the hell? Why are you so rude to mom??" He asked extreamely angry. 

Even I was getting mad, and Hina and Akemi were getting scared. I pulled them closer to me. "It's gonna be okay..." I pulled them into a hug. 

Kuroo's dad looked at me. "Did I give you permission to enter this apartment?" He asked me. "I'm s-sorry sir. But I wont leave Kuroo's side. You sir, are dangerous." I said bravely. He growled. "Ritsu! Go get groceries!" He screeched at Kuroo's mom's face. 

"Never! You could kill these innocent children!" She said pointing to all of us. Hina and Akemi now had tears streaming down their faces like no tomorrow. He grabbed a kitchen knife and tried killing Kuroo?? 

But before he could do so, Me and Kuroo's mom both stood in front of Kuroo. "NO!!" We both shouted together. 

"Move before you get stabbed!" Kuroo's dad's eyebrows shot up. Kuroo's mom quickly got out her phone and threatened to call 911. "I will!! Put the knife down!" She said with tears streaming down her face. Kuroo's dad quickly put the knife down. 

"Mrs. Kuroo? Would you mind staying with the children? You're in no condition to fight." I said while holding her hands. She slighty nodded and took Hina and Akemi and headed outside. 

I sighed of relief. Kuroo pulled me back. "No. Let's go." But Kuroo's dad tried stabbing him again and I pushed him so his dad missed. 

When did he pick up the knife?? Whatever. I have no time to think about it. 

"No one stabs my friends!!" I screeched while taking a chair and getting ready to whip him with it. "Ha! You think a bitch like you will be enough to stop me??" He asked while trying to stab me. But instead, ended up hitting the chair. 

That's when I lost it. 

"AAAAAAARRRGGGHHHH!!!!" I screeched and shattered everyone's eardrums as I his him in the face. With a chair. Kuroo chuckled and gave me a thumbs up. Kuroo's dad got up. "You really think that can fucking stop me???" He shouted. 

I gulped and ran beside Kuroo because I felt... safe around him. "Don't touch (F/n)!!" He shouted at his dad. He completely ignored Kuroo and looked at me. "You little slut..." He trailed off while trying to stab me again. 

I looked down expecting it to be painful. 

But... it never came. 

I saw Kuroo in front of me. His eyes were wide. There was blood. Lots. 

Did... he jump in front of me?? I looked at Kuroo and tears stained my face. "K-Kuroo? A-are you o-okay?" He had gotten stabbed in the arm. I pulled him into a hug. 

"NOOOO!!!" I screeched as even more tears fell from my eyes. "I can't lose you! You're my... love." I said to Kuroo's sleeping face. I pulled out my phone and dialed 911.

"No!!" Kuroo's dad screamed as he tried stabbing me. I dodged them slopily becuase I had an 18-year-old in my arms. That wasn't light!!

After a couple of dodges, I kicked him in the nuts. "That's what you get for stabbing my crush!! You don't know how much Kuroo means to me!" I screeched. 

All of a sudden, the cops showed up to see a boy in my hands and a knife in Kuroo's dad's hand. "If you arrest me, I'll take your own gun and shoot you!" He threatened. The cops didn't listen though. 

One of them got a hold of Kuroo's dad, but he kicked him away and then, BOOM!!

Kuroo's dad had gotten shot. Right there. In front of my eyes. I wonder if Kuroo will be sad. That's when: "Ma'am? Are you hurt?" A police asked me worried. "No.. I'm not but my friend is. He got stabbed in his arm." I said while crying. 

He took Kuroo and put him in the ambulance. "He's gonna be okay. Would you like to come along?" He asked me. "Yes! Of course!" I shouted sadly. I opened the door to see Hina, Akemi, and Kuroo's mom standing there. 

"Guys, let's go. Kuroo's in the ambulance." I said sadly while everyone ran in there to see how he's doing. 

                                      -Timeskip to inside the hospital-

"There's only three people alowed in the room at once." A doctor with curly brown hair and brown eyes told us. Me and Kuroo's mom nodded. 

Then, Kuroo's mom looked at me with sad eyes. "I'm sorry sweetie, I.. didn't catch your name." She said kindly. "Oh uh.. it's (F/n)." I said with a weak smile. She smiled while rubbing my arm. 

"Beautiful name." She complimented. "Thanks!" I said with an even weaker smile. "Oh! And (F/n) sweetie, you can call me mom, because you and Tetsuro are getting married~" She said gleefully. I blushed. "Okay.. mom!" 

"I'll take the kids inside. I want you to have some alone time with Tetsuro if that's okay with you." Mom said kindly. "Okay.." I trailed off as I walked into Kuroo's room to see him with a bright white cast on his arm. 

This only made me sadder. I blinked back tears as I walked towards Kuroo who was passed out. "I'm so sorry.. I love you so much and I let you get stabbed... for me." I said softly while stroking his face. 

The bed was pretty big, so I sat down beside him and held his hand. "I.." I started before bursting into tears. But before I could...

"Kuroo?" I muttered as he held my hand back. I looked up at his smiling face. "Hey, (F/n)." He said kindly. "You got stabbed for me?! No! Never do that again!!" I burst. He sighed weakly. 

"If it's for you, then... it's worth it." Tears. More of them. Again. 

Kuroo pulled my arm into the bed with his only good one. "Stay here." He said while cuddling me. I cuddled him back and cried myself to sleep. Kuroo patted my back. "Shhh... it's okay the doctor said it'll only take 2 weeks to heal. It's not that bad." He kept repeating. 

And.. that's how I fell asleep that night. 

What a terrible dad Kuroo has. But.. his mom was just like mine. They're great people. 

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