Aniversary!! PT. 1

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                                               (F/n) P.O.V

It's been about 3 months since we've started college, and everything's been going pretty well. And there's good news!!!!!!!!!

TOMMOROW IS OUR ANIVERSARY!!! WE'VE BEEN DATING FOR A YEAR!! And, it's also valentines day!! I hope Akemi asks Hina out, or vice versa. 

I sighed as I got out bed and ran to Hina and Akemi's room. "WAKE UP!! ASK EACHOTHER OUT!!" Was all I said before turning on the lights and openening the shutters. 

"It's the weekend..." Akemi trailed off while hiding his head with the pillow. "Wrong!! It's friday! Last day of school! Until Monday..." Hina groaned. 

"We're getting out of bed.." She said while falling off the bed and landing on the floor. 

I blinked. "You're 12 now! You can't fall out of bed!" "You do that." She simply answered. I blushed. "I do not!" 

"Whatever." Hina said while getting up and going to the bathroom to shower. Akemi shifted aound. "You too!" I said to him. 

Akemi opened his eyes. "THERE'S BLOOD ON THE BED!!!" He screeched while getting up and running to the other bathroom. 

I groaned. "Hina? Are you on your period?" I asked her. "No- I mean yes. Now I am." 

I took the bedsheets off. "You're doing the laundry." I said while walking out of the room and to the bathroom. Tetsuro was already awake brushing his teeth. 

The room was hot and steamy, so I assumed he already showered. "Oh. Akemi's in the shower." He said through brushing. I sighed. "We really need to get more bathrooms..." 

I decided to brush my teeth first and go and make bento for all of us. I smiled how Hina and Akemi get everything ready the night before so it's easier for me to make. 

I saw Akemi walk out with his uniform on, and Hina came to the kitchen to start with breakfast. She took out the toaster waffles and put 2 in for everyone while Akemi took out the syrup and stuff. 

The waffles popped out not too long after, and we all sat down. "Idatakimasu!!" We all dug in. It was tasty. Well, probably 'cause they're unhealthy. 

I shrugged it off and Akemi and Hina did the dishes as me and Tetsuro got our small jackets on and ran out the door. 

"Have a good day at school!" We said together. "Bye love you guys!" They said together. 

Well, after a while of mom being gone, I do feel like they're our kids. They're really helpful and fun to be around. 

A couple of days ago, Hina announced that she was making dinner for everyone tommorow for our aniversary. So she and Akemi are stopping at the store. Akemi told us she's making pasta. Only he said it 'Pasuta'. It was pretty hilarious. 

I hopped in the car and tried not to remind Tetsuro to stop her from making dinner, because, well... give the kid a shot. Hopefully she doesn't burn down the kitchen.

Hopefully... it tastes good. 

Hopefully... our aniversary isn't crap.

Hopefully... Tetsuro didn't forget.

Hopefully... we get married today. 

Shit!!! What did I just think of?! What the hell!! We've only been dating for about a year! Save it, (F/n)! I'm gonna think about something else! But...

I cringed at the thought of the kitchen burning down. A shiver went down my spine. Tetsuro noticed it. "Chibi-chan, what's wrong?" 

A blush appeared on my face as my thoughts went back to getting married. "NOTHING!! I JUST-" "Why are you screaming?" He asked in a soft tone. 

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