Our First Date

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                                                      (F/n) P.O.V

                                                      -Timeskip 4 days-

I woke up with my boyfriend in my bed. It was the middle of the night. For some reason, we weren't cuddling. 

I looked at Tetsuro. He was shifting around trying to grab something. But he was still sleeping. He woke up seconds later. "Chibi-chan..? Come here it's cold." He said while tugging my arm. 

I smiled and came closer to him. "Hmm..." He said like Nezuko and he snuggled into my neck. That's when I realised. It's not the middle of the night. 

"Tetsuro.. it's morning." I said softly. "Sleep in." He said while dozing off again. "We have to go grossery shopping after breakfast!" I said while playing with his hair. 


"We have a lot to do today!!"


"I'm hungry." 


I sighed. "Tetsuro!! Out. Of. Bed." I said while trying to get out of his grasp. It was much tighter than usual. I grunted and squirmed around. No use. 

I even tried screaming, but he put his hand on my mouth. "No screaming." "I'm hungry!!" I whined, but it still sounded muffled. But it sounded more like: "Hmphh hmph hmpphhh!!" 

"Just sleep." He said totally ignoring the fact that his hand is on my mouth and that he's squeezing me. 

Then, an idea popped up in my head and I smirked. It probably wasn't the best, but it could have an effect. 

I kissed the inside of Tetsuro's hand making him look at me. I did it again. "Wait!! This isn't helping! It's just making him want to stay there!" I stopped. "I'm definately not biting the inside of someone's hand! That's just harsh and mean." 

My stomach growled. 

"Fine." He let go of me and got out of bed. "Oh, chibi-chan, we never went on a date before." "Yeah... now that I think of it, we've been so busy and stuff. But I'm glad it's the weekend." I said while making the bed. 

"Can we go on a date tonight?" I smiled. "Yeah!" 

Tetsuro put his shirt on. "Hm. And in 2 days, we'll be going to training camp with Karasuno, Fukurodani and other schools." "Yeah." I said simply while heading to the bathroom to brush my teeth. 

Me and Kuroo quickly did so, then went to Hina and Akemi's bedroom. Yes, They're still living with us. 

"Actually, let's let them sleep in." I said while turning around to go to the kitchen. "How come you're letting them and not me?~" Tetsuro pouted. "Because they're kids. And they need extra sleep." I said while pecking Tetsuro on the lips. 

"What do you want for breakfast?" I asked while turning the stove on. "Pancakes." "Pancakes comin' right up!" I said while getting the mixture from a cabinet and pouring some into a bowl. 

"You know, I think Hina and Akemi are old enough stay home alone now." Tetsuro said swiching the topic. "Yeah. Maybe we leave them home alone when we go on our date tonight." I said while putting the milk back in the fridge. 

I grabbed an egg and mixed it into the batter, then whisked everything together. Soon, Tetsuro poured the batter on the pan and Hina and Akemi came out of the room. 

"Hey sis. There's only 1 more month until 7th grade. And I'm really loving 6th grade." I laughed. "I'm sure you'll have fun at 7th grade!" "Whatever you say." 

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