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"RRRIIIIINNNGGG!!!" The bell had rang dissmissing us all.

 "WHOOO!! Last day is over!" I screeched while getting up from my chair. "Yeah, but, you still have to go to practice." Kuroo said. "True.. We didn't decorate our apartment with all the stuff that we bought yet. So that's what we're gonna do after practice right?" "Yeah." Kuroo said plainly. 

I'll go pick up Akemi and Hina, while you go to practice okay?" He said while packing his things up. "Sounds like a plan!" I said smiling with my 2 thumbs up. "Good."

And with that, he left. 

I finnished packing up, so I also left to go to the gym for practice. I really can't wait for training camp!! Especially with Kuroo and the team!

As I opened the door, Kiru ran to me and her big red eyes looked up at me with worry. Not gonna lie, she was pretty short. 5'1. 

"(N/n)-chan!! I can't believe it!! You have to pass in all subjects in order to go to training camp!!" She whined while grabbing my arm. I smiled. "It'll be fine! I'm sure uh.. Imakido-san can tutor you!" I said while looking at Imakido who was beside Ikari. 

She sighed. "Okay. I'll tutor you." Kiru's face brightened. "Whoo!!" "Hey everyone!" I said while placing my backpack on the bench. "(N/n)-chan!" The quad and Kami-chan said happily. I gave them all hugs. 

Then I went over to Ikari, Imakido and Suzuki. I gave them all hugs too. "Okay! Now, everyone, we must study to go to camp in the next 2 months. 

Kiru groaned. She doesn't fail in anything, she just doen't get the best grades. She also hates studying. Kami-chan patted her back. "It'll be fine!" She said reassuringly. "Well for you! You don't get B minuses and C's!" She pouted. 

I think everyone else got average grades though. But Imakido-san, she was SMART. And I mean she aced every subject. 

Kiru started praying. "You're already saying your prayers?! It can't be that bad!" Kami-chan said worried.

I giggled. She reminds me of Yu-chan and Ryu-chan. I sighed. I sure do miss my kohai's. They were so funny and cute. And there's also a girl named Yachi who joined the group chat. 

I'm looking forward to meeting my new kohai's. 

"(L/n)?? Snap out of it!" I heard Ikari say with her eyes widened. "Oh uh yeah?" "Take your position!" She said while pointing to the net. "Right!" I said as I ran there. We had the same teams as always. 

I'm now in the goalie post with Suzuki slightly in front. "Like I always say, I've got your back." She said. I smiled and stuck my 2 thumbs up. Suzuki gave me a small smile, then looked in front to see Kami-chan block a shot made by Imakido-san. 

"Damn it!" Imakido-san muttered. "Yes!!" The green haired girl shouted. "You're getting better, Kamiri. Ikari said trying to score again but Kiru blocked for her. 

Kiru had the ball and quickly passed it to Kori-chan. "Kori-chan!!" She screamed while passing the ball energetically. 

Kori-chan had passed it to Mimi-chan, who passed it to Fumi-chan who passed it to Ami-chan and so on. "They're doing their thing!!" I said loud enough for Kami-chan to hear. 

Fumi-chan scored on me which I accedentally let in because Suzuki accedentally tripped on the ball. She tripped but didn't fall. And I was too focused on her to see if the ball was coming or not.

"That's 1 point for us!" Kiru called out to our team while taking her postion. 


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