Chapter 1

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"Hey, Nathalie," someone shouted at my back with the voice of my manager. Actually, it was not just a voice. It was her.

My body was in the convenience store. However, my mind was with the documentary flashed on the television near the counter. I was too eager to hear the male narrator as he said...

"If you want to live in a place where history, nature, and modernization mixed, North Valley, Luvia is the best for you. The Kingdom of Luvia is strategically located in between Europe and Asia. We are included in Europe in geography, but our culture is more Asian. North Valley, located in the northern farthest part of the Kingdom of Luvia, is surrounded by mountains, and one of these mountains is named under our very own hero, Malin The Great."

My heart dropped at hearing the name of the person who was at the top of our family tree.

Another narrator, female this time, continued...

"Malin The Great, who lived during the early 1600s, was the first duke of the North Valley. He is also one of the 12 great heroes who helped then King Andrew saved this land and built the Kingdom of Luvia. With their bravery, Luvia became the strongest country in the world up to the present. "

The documentary went on, and I had my all ears to the speaker of the television. But suddenly, it was turned off. Of course, in every life, there was an antagonist.

I acted like I was busy with my cash register when I felt the dark presence of the evil witch behind me.

"Nathalie!" my manager shouted, "Daydreaming during working hours?"

I loved daydreaming, especially when I started part-timing in this convenience store since we only have one customer per hour. The store was located away from the people. But she was wrong that time. I was learning, not fantasizing about scenarios that would never happen.

"Yes, Ma'am Kelly," I almost cursed with shock.

I turned my head to my manager to see her pointing something in front of me using her lips full of red lipstick. She was old enough to be like my mother's age, but she dressed better than me. Her hair was in a different color every month, and her current flavor was violet.

I followed her pointing lips to see there was a customer in front of me. Suddenly, I panicked because I didn't know how long he had been there. The customer was so tall that I could not see his face because I immediately gathered the things he bought.

Two cans of soda, three packs of chips, box of condoms?

Okay, I should have been used to this. However, in a conservative country like Luvia and where birth was a celebration, contraceptives were a no-no. Unless you were doing the 'thing' without marriage, you would not buy something like this.

Holding that particular box, I peeked at the face of the customer. He was tall, but I got a glimpse of his face. He was wearing dark eyeglasses, but he looked way too young to have this kind of box. If he was not the same age as me, he might be a year or two older than me. Still young tho.

"Are you sure you will buy this one, sir?" I don't know when I decided to say that, but my mouth was faster than a marathon Olympiad.

I knew he stared at me with dismay behind those dark lenses. He cleared his throat twice. I just looked up at him again, but longer this time. He was somewhat familiar, and before I realized who he was, my manager popped out from her hibernation.

"I apologize, Your Royal Highness," she bowed her head and put her hand to the back of my head to force me to bow down.

"Your Royal Highness?" I whispered, and it clicked. I wanted to shout curses to myself for disrespecting the Crown Prince of Luvia. I fell on my knees and bowed down until my head felt the cold tiles of the floor. I said with my most apologetic voice, "Have mercy on me, Your Highness! I should have never asked you that even we live in the Kingdom of Luvia, which pre-marital sex is not encouraged. You're a Crown Prince, and the rules are in your hands."

I don't know if I said the right thing, but I just stated my repentance and facts.

My manager, Kelly, hit the back of my head with her knuckles. It was pretty painful. I thought a boxer punched me.

I heard her again, "I'm sorry, Your Highness, she is too young that she doesn't know what she is doing. I hope you understand, and this will never happen again."

My face was still on the ground when I heard my manager packed the items, and she said that they would be in the house. Wow, free things for a Crown Prince who bought condoms.

Wind chimes at the door sounded, and it was a signal that someone already left or come in. I knew it was the Crown Prince who went out of the door.

After several moments of thinking, if it is better to stay on the ground than face my manager, I finally looked up. Whichever result would be the same. She would fire me.

I didn't expect that the Crown Prince was still there in front of the cash register, and a new customer came in a few minutes ago and was currently looking at the chips station. His Highness was not in a good mood. His scowl was very visible. In addition, my manager was out of sight. I had no idea where she went and leaving me there dying.

My eyes got bigger and rounder, and I sweated three times than a normal sunny day. It was not just a job that I would lose. It was my life.

I had never told my parents how much I loved them, and I hoped I would have a chance before the monarch would inject me with a lethal injection.

I would finally see my grandmother, who was I looked like very much, and I would tell her that I was sorry that I blamed her and I failed my mission to restore our family rights and title.

The good thing was, I had no boyfriend, but deep inside, I wished I also experience it before my life ended. I wouldn't say I liked the idea of a romantic relationship. I just wanted to experience the feeling of having someone who would give me flowers and chocolates.

"Your name?" His deep voice was pleasant in another way, but in my current situation, it was life-threatening.

My whole body trembled as well as my voice. I tried to answer without choking, "Nathalie Hendlefort."

"Title?" Just one word made me want to pee because of fear.

Just. Be. Honest. It played inside my head. And, the only thing I could think at that time was to tell him the truth even though no one believed in my story ever since.

"I have no title, but I'm a direct descendant of the Duke of North Valley. I would have never made a mistake earlier if I lived like a noble. I hope you forgive me and let this pass," I said with sincerity. My head was again bowed on the cold tiles, "My mom, dad, and my two younger siblings are waiting for me at our home. If ever you want to take my life," tears fell when I imagined mom looking at the window and waiting for her daughter who would never come back home, "Please allow me to say goodbye to them, Your Royal Highness."

I sighed and wiped my tears using the collar of my uniform. I would lose my life just for that box. Who wouldn't cry for that?

He chuckled. Yeah, he freaking chuckled. I secretly rolled my eyes. For me, it was a matter of life and death, but surely for him, it was nothing but another dust.

I wanted to glare at him, but when the time I lifted my face, he was gone. The door chimes sounded again, and I saw him thru the glass windows walked to a black Lamborghini, he drove it, and he was totally out of my sight without saying a word.

I sat on the floor and stared at the blank. It was only 10 minutes passed by, but it felt like forever to me. I was already drained, and I didn't know if I could stand anymore.

Someone rang the bell at the counter, but I didn't go to the cash register because I thought if I could answer that bell again tomorrow.

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