A Tale of Woe

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The dark brown leaves scattered all over the pebbled lane; some long wilted, some barely touched the ground, just fallen off from the dusty branches of oak tree moments ago.

Like the cemetry, everything represents a dark and sombre mood, as was the dark sky with black clouds rolling heavily above, rumbling at the poor soul of the dead below.

One little girl, however, shared no such gloom as the black procession by her side. She skips along by rows of dark anonymous grave, completely oblivous to the dark theme around her while the fierce wind whipped about her face. Her small fist was clasped in the hand of a tall young man in glasses. It was evident that this little girl was quite taken by this handsome young man, though their age presents quite a huge gap; a young early twenties man and a preschool girl of about five or six.

Now, the young men appeared quite uncomfortable, for the little girl was swinging his arm back and forth most enthusiastically. They stopped in front of two small graves, where the little girl suddenly quieted down, as if finally able to grasp the concept of death.

She had not known any of the weird man in dark suits assembled there, they were strangers she never seen before that popped up on the day of the funeral.

She had refused to be neared by anyone in the vicinity, desperately calling out to her mum and dad like a wounded animal, inconsolable by anybody. The men, more than fifty in number, always exposed to the deadly dangers of ghouls where blood and gore is a norm in their daily life, frantically tried to calm the little girl down but to no avail.

It was only when Natsuke crouched down to the wailing little girl and smiled gently, saying" Do you like sweet bean cakes?" that the dead could resume roaming around the graveyard without the little girl's noisy whinings. They were treated to enough tears for a lifetime.

The little girl quieted down enough to shook her head, having never eat sweet bean cakes before.

"I don't know," she whispered quietly, her voice breaking slightly.

Natsuke patted her small head  tenderly and said,"You are such a good girl, Akira. Good little girl. I'll give you some tasty cakes later, if you'll be good."

The girl nodded shyly, sucking her thumb, and she reached out her other hand to him. He took her small hand and lead her away to the mournful black procession. No one had known what made her warm up to him, but everyone's personal guess is that this young man's incredible good looks charmed her well.

Tugging the hand of the young man so that he leaned down to her height, which is barely three feet tall, she whispered in his ear," Is mummy and daddy dead?"

The young man's heart constricted painfully and looked awkward contemplating her question. He pushes his glasses up his nose, staring down into her huge dark eyes. What should he tell to this adorable little girl? He wondered if she is old enough to understand the truth.

He cleared his throat after deciding and said, "Yes, Akira."

The young girl nodded her head solemnly and asked" Mummy and daddy doessen have to work anymoh, right? Now that they are dead?"

Again the awkward cough."Yes."

"Okay!" The girl clapped her small chubby hands brightly. "Now they don't have to work alllll day they can stay home and play with me allll the time!"

The young man was silent, looking at the flushed and happy face of the little girl, completely at lost for words.

From that day on, that little girl held a tender place in his heart. He had fervently hoped that the girl would get her wish of love and affection that she so lacked in her childhood, and now he had messed up her chance of leading a healthy and normal life. He had the grace to feel guilty.

Natsuke sighed and cleared his head off the thought, tidying up his desk, stacking papers and files neatly to the corner of his desk and got up, heading towards the door. He had been holding his pee for a long time.

When he came back from the loo, he saw Hayato-san running down the hallway and smirked. Mr. Cool Cucumber running noisily is a funny sight from his normal steady pace.

But Hayato was running towards him, and the urgent look in his face made Natsuke lost all his humor in an instant.

"Gourmet... Gourmet have Miss Harako!"


Outside the large and elegant building also known as Ghoul Restaurant, Uta stood in front of the heavy and highly polished wooden door; he raised a tattooed arm and knocked twice.


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