Flowers & Graves

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Enjoy the story, :)

The wind was howling mournfully and the branches of dark oak trees caught up whistling in a ghostly tune. Kikichi-san wrapped his jacket more tightly around himself to protect against the fierce cold.

He was doing what he did every year, except from now on there would be three more graves to visit.

He walked among the row of anoynymous graves; some lovingly tended with little shrubs or blooming flowers whose petals was cruelly torn by the wind. Some, however, was dusty and muddy, simply abandoned, laid there to rest without a single proper acknowledgement of their owner's passing.

He found the one that he was searching and laid the flowers he brought tenderly on the graves of Mr. and Mrs. Harako. He gently sweep off some dust from their tombstone and sighed. He laid another bunch of flowers on the grave of Akira Harako which was beside her mother's. His heart gave a small twinge.

So young, to be burdened by so many. He prayed that the Harako's family could finally be reunited and rest in peace together in heaven. Next, he went to the row behind it and laid another bunch of flowers on Natsuke-san. Whatever enmity there was between them, he was sincerely sorry to hear of his passing. But he was sure it was the way Natsuke wanted to go.

He ventured further into the cemetry and this time, he couldn't help but broke down into a heart-breaking weep. His friend and comrade of so many years, to be gone just like that, without even a moment notice. He was proud of his friend, truly, proud to be his friend. He grieved for Hayato-san's passing more than his own wife's; and now he did not know if life is worth moving on.

Just then, a tall silhoutte sidled up beside him. She was very thin yet with a curvy figure, carrying two small bouquet of bright yellow chrysanthemums. She was wearing a long sleeved cream blouse and a black skinny jeans that encased her long legs. The hooded brown vest she was wearing obscured her face, but the way her dark hair danced in the billowing wind seemed vaguely familiar.

She gently laid down the flowers on Natsuke's grave with one hand wearing a boned fingerless corset gloves, and went up to him. She gave a respectful bow to him and proceeded to lay the bouquet down on Hayato-san's grave.

His heart freezes up and his skin tingle chillingly, which had nothing to do with the cold wind; and in a moment and he thought he was hallucinating. But no, she was dead. He just laid flowers on her grave.

He tried to peer closer to her face, but her hair that flew to cover her face and the brown hood prevented him from doing so.

She walked away without a word nor a look back. He was sure that she was someone he did not know very well, or glimpsed vaguely before.

When he went back to his car, he saw that two bunch of yellow chrysanthemum had been laid on the former S.H.A.D.O.W chief and his wife's graves. There was even one on their daughter's. Perhaps the girl was her friend she made at the Academy...

Shaking his head at the mystery of why she would pay respect to Hayato-san and Natsuke, he decided not to pursue the matter.

He went back to his small apartment and make a cup of steaming green tea, trying to quench his lonliness.


I'm a sucker for melodramatic happy endings.

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